Running rampant

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Getting back into the swing of things at school wasn't as hard as I'd first thought. My lessons hadn't included much note taking and much of it was revision lessons for the upcoming mocks.

Asami had stayed at mine allowing my mum to look after her a bit longer; she really, and I mean really, didn't like that. I suppose it's probably because she's been on the streets for a good while and the fact that she's gotten used to doing things herself.

At first Asami was adamant until I took her to one side, I can remember it clearly. She cried so hard, she couldn't have looked more broken.


"Sam's you need ta be around people more. Ta be able ta adapt bet'er to people." She looks at me questioningly. "People tha' inna me. Bein' taken care of by me mum's probably 't' best place ta start. Trust me, she's so kind and caring, she's helped me through so many things. My dad's gonna come and go, bu' only when I'm 'ere alright?" She started crying. I've never seen her cry like this, so broken and open, it hurts me so much that she's crying but glad that it's me she's crying like this infront of. I start absent-mindedly rubbing my hand up and down her arm.

She starts shaking again; I've only started to notice this recently, I think she does it subconsciously. I step forward and embrace her trying to quell her sobs.

"Korra. I can't get close to someone without consequences, relationships have crashed and burned and I have no way of telling if it's going to keep happening." I smile and hold her farther away to look into her eyes.

"Sam's there is absolutely no way I'm gonna le' tha'rappen." She smiles and leans back in hugging me so tightly and so securely my eyes start watering themselves. She gives me one last squeeze and a peck on the lips before I'm accompanied by my dad to school. After all he's on his way to his and mum's own rented flat.


By the end of school I'm grinning, ear to ear, at knowing I'll see Asami again.

Opal bounces a long at the end of school, determined to find out what's gone up my ally.

"Korraaaaaaaaa!!" She half exasperates half groans from next to me. "Tell meeeeeeeee!! I'm your best bud, I have a right to know." She adds matter of factly. "It's Asami isn't it? Ha it is, yes, hit the nail right on the head." She grins widely at my deepening blush. "Ooohhh I'm gonna have sooo much fun with this." She manages to say before I enter my flat block. She lives a few blocks down in a semi-detached. After all she has a much bigger family.

Entering her flat she is greeted by the smell of home-made cooking, flour caking every surface and a corridor looking like a bomb sight.

I venture further into my abode to find more and more things out of place, like the airing cupboard door's ajar, a banana has taken it's place behind the table that's normally on the other side of the corridor and that audacious giggling echoing from the kitchen. I sneak through the door at the end and I stop dead in my tracks at what I see.

Asami had heard me walking and had stopped instantaneously pulling whatever she was about to throw at Senna behind her back whilst it took Senna a whole minute to realise I was there and actually stop throwing flour at my already caked girlfriend.

I cross my arms and lift an eyebrow drumming my fingers on the bare bicep. Never really liked the school shirts sleeves, too warm, and so ended up taking a pair of scissors to them.

I cough and poise a hip expectantly. "She started it" They both exclaim at the same time.

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