Doodles and oh no's - 2nd series

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A sharp cry distracted me from my most resent doodle. I looked up in time to see the mass of obsidian black hair fall between the desks. "Asami!" I shouted running towards her. She may have been giving me the silent treatment, hell she's been giving everyone the silent treatment for over a year now but that doesn't mean I don't still care.

I reach her side in time to see a single tear roll down her cheek. Her eyes are scrunched up from pain, I glare at Kuvira who just shrugs and walks off. "Hey. Asami, hey. What's wrong?" No reply.

"Hey, Sami. Listen to me I'm gonna pick you up," I gently push my hands underneath her and lift ever so slightly. I watch her face as her eyes roll back and she goes limp. I must have moved her too suddenly.

Mako's in the room next to us in textiles, he can come help. "MAKO!" I yell as I carry on lifting Asami. When I manage to stand up fully Mako appears in the door.

"What've you done Korra," he gasps as his eyes trace Asami's limp form.

"Heh, I seemed to 'ave made 'er swoon." I try to put on a smile but it comes out more as a pained grimace. "Ring Katara, she'll be able to help us," Katara was a close friend of my family and also the family doctor. She was always there when I tried different things that were, shall we say, a little ... extreme.

I hustle out the door leaving the class still in silence, and Kuvira hollars "Get a room." I don't care, Asami needs help and that's all that matters.

I run down the corridors bypassing teachers who noticed me running and shout slow down but it only encourages me to speed up until I'm overtaking Mako, who has thankfully finished talking to Katara about where and what happened.

To get outside quickly I have to go through the staff room. Massive floor to ceiling windows take up three quarters of the room and the wall from the main corridor to the staff room has tinted, half windows head height. A door with a slit of glass stood in the middle of the wall.

"Mako, though the staff room. I see Katara," I yell. He turned around and hesitated. I growl at him which got him into action. He holds the door open for me and once I'm through he rushes ahead and opens the glass doors on the other side. I glance about the staff room to see multiple teachers staring back.

The headmaster and deputy-head Raiko and Lin stand up. Lin only stood up to hold Raiko back but couldn't stop him from shouting at us anyway.

"Miss Avatar, if this (He gestures with his hand at me and a still limp Asami) is a joke or play rehearsal, this is not the place to do it." I ignore him and carry on almost to the door.

"Korra, call us when she's better." Lins raspy voice cut through the headmasters last few words and I smile at the normally pessimistic deputy-head.

I finally manage to squeeze through the last door and let Katara hurry forward indicating for me to set Asami on the ground. She puts her into the recovery position before checking for her injury's.

After mere moments od poking and prodding at her sides and torso Asami starts coughing, shaking violently. Amidst her coughing fit she coughs up a slug of blood which stains the ground next to her. "She's punctured her lung" Katara says. "We need to get her to hospital, have either of you called an ambulance. I never thought of that, my face pales which answers her question.

"Yes. Yes I have." Mako pipes up from a beside us.

The teachers in the staff room are stood at the windows gawping at us, the whole schools gawping at us through their tinted windows. From Maths at the top to English in the middle and then sciences at the bottom of the building.

I hear a siren in the distance gradually getting closer until it appears at the gate. For the schools stranger danger reasons they keep the gates locked. I hadn't thought to got get someone to unlock them so instead of actually doing that I carefully pick Asami up again. She gasps and I feel guilt wash over me knowing that I was causing her more pain.

I reach the gate and clamber over it as carefully as possible, you don't grow up in a more rural part of town with militarised parents for nothing. I'm guided to the back of the ambulance where I have to put her on the ambulances bed. Mako gets in and so does Katara and we set off. I can hear the ambulances siren but it's distant as I hold Asami's hand and stare deep into her pained green eyes.

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