Asami was a dumb shit

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How had I not realised just how epic this girl was. I decided to keep sitting next to her in metalwork - obviously once I'd asked her if it was alright - and she said 'meh, why not?' Whenever she smiles, oh that smile, it's like bonfire night in my body; I start feeling warm and fuzzy like that goofy smile just belonged. Yeah, yeah. I know what you're thinking, 'oh she's off again, going all cheesy and soppy' but you know what I couldn't give a monkeys. This girl is perfect she is everything.

Until one metalwork class Korra turns to me, not that she isn't facing me already because she never sits straight but that makes me like her even more. So she's looking at me instead of 'facing' me with this serious expression. I ask her if something's wrong and she shakes her head a slight blush forming, I only noticed this because it was so cute, and she asks me to come sit with her and a few friends at lunch time. Obviously I said yes and that's where I am now, sitting with Korra whilst waiting for her friends to show.

I've noticed our proximatey to each other and I can almost feel her heartbeat through her shoulder, that's how close we are. If I felt correctly it was almost like her heart was racing, like when you've just finished a run and that faint blush is still there tinting her bronze cheeks.

" Korra? Are you alright?" She stilled her hands which were running circles round either wrist.

She turned to look at me, which I smiled at and she looked back at her hands. "I ... ah, I-I'm ... I'm fabulous thanks." Awwwwww, she's started blushing harder. I wonder what she's blushing at?

"HeyyyyyyyyyKorra?" I look up to see quite a burly boy jogging towards us, he has black wavy hair with a, kiss curl? Hanging down his forehead. Behind him a boy with a darker complexion, quite the quiff side parting and massive eyebrows was hanging onto an older more lanky boy who had dark hair that spiked about to the front of his head. He had a noticeably large red scarf hanging round his neck and she could see fingerless gloves.

"And who is this lavely, lavely lady here." The guy with massive eyebrows had rushed forward releasing the older boys arm to kneel next to Asami, take her hand and kiss her knuckles. He wiggled his eyebrows at me and I got a very strong waft of cologne. I tried in vein not to pull a face at the repulsiveness of him.

"Wu, will you stop being such a creep and sit next to your boyfriend?" Korra was frowning at this so called Wu and when he didn't make an effort to move she started growling. Sounds weird but she was growling at him teeth bared like a cornered polar-bear dog. He finally got up and sat next to his now seated older friend who, if I heard correctly was his boyfriend.

"Korra I wouldn't mind being informed of the newcomers name. Perhaps even whence she came?" The burly chap that had said heyy was sat opposite me, he was leaning forward on his forearms with a serious expression.

"Bolin, you migh' be rehursin' for a play. Dunna mean you know anything about Shakespearean monologue, does it?" Bolin did puppy dog eyes at Korra, who did them back. I could only watch and giggle at the absurdity of the situation.

Bolin finally caved in and she felt Korra's eyes boring holes into her head. "Can I help you?" - "Well first off, this is Asami and secondly you could help me." I watched as her eyebrow hit her hairline and then she clamped her hands much like Mr. Burns from The Simpson's does and leaned forward expectantly.

"I was wonderin', right, if you realised just 'ow beuiful you actually are?" I was shocked, she was shocked the others were shocked. Where had this just come from? Her blush was deepening much more now and I could see her starting to panic.

"Well. I wasn't expecting that but thank you very much Korra." I smile sweetly at her in the hope of calming her down even though an internal battle was now raging in my head.

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