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The next three days consisted of my mum and dad coming and going; they were staying at mine until Asami was released, and me permanently glued to Sam's side.

I found she likes to sleep a lot, although it's not surprising when she probably hasn't been in a bed in what. like a year? She'd twitch once or twice or reach for my hand or shirt and hang on with a grip that could easily squeeze a teddy past bursting point.

Today though, five days after actually coming into hospital she was going to be released. I think the main reason as to why she's been kept here for that amount of time was purely because she was malnourished.

I helped Asami to the room door while my parents followed behind us. The moment we stepped out of the hospitals doors I felt the body next to mine take a deep breath, I only just realised this is the first time actually being outside since being cooped up in that bed.

I intertwine our fingers together and give her hand a soft squeeze, eliciting a soft sigh. I guide her to my mums car and help her get in.

I climb in and watch as my mum and dad get in also. Tonrak turns around and faces us with a cheery grin, "You, young lady *Points at me* are going to catch up on school work. I'm sure there's plenty to do." I roll my eyes at him knowing that this is payback for me not telling him why I was in hospital. "Asami on the other hand will be a couch potato and let me and Senna care for her." I look over to a wide eyed Asami.

"Sir, please I can go to school, I have things to do, I need to make sure my bridge project, Jewelers vice, redisgnment of the road network and the train system are done. Not to mention all the metal work work to ..." My dad cuts her off with a wave of his hand and a dismissive grunt.

"You're not to do, go, help, work or finish anything-one until myself and Senna are sure you're fine. Which you clearly aren't at the moment." With that Asami pouts, crosses her arms and huffs back against the seat. It probably wasn't a wise idea, what with having a cracked rib, as her face contorts with the effort of keeping a straight face instead of one of pain.

Tonrak raises an eyebrow and turns back round as Senna starts the engine. My hand creaps to Sam's and we stay like that until we reach my flat.

I unlock the door letting my parents in first then guiding Asami in. She looks round and shivers at the coolness of it. I've never really been bothered by the cold, normally in winter I go round with a sleeveless shirt on so I think it's safe to say I'm immune to shivering.

"Sorry Sams I'll turn the heaters on and grab a few blankets, I don't normally have guests." I exlcaim running through the flat switching every heater on I can find and grabbing plenty of blankets from the airing cupbaord.

Finally walking back to where my parents and Asami were sat on the sete I sped my pace up, upon seeing a bright red Asami and giggling parents.

"What've ya said now mum?" Once making sure Asami was nicely wrapped up I stand straight and cross my arms raising a brow expectantly. I don't usually raise eyebrows this much but seeing as my parents are here it';s not surprising.

"Nothing" came an 'innocent' reply from my mum. I loom to Asami and she just shrugs with a bright red face.

I grunt unimpressed before walking to the kitchen. It was an open kitchen with a granite surface. "Imma gonna make some tea. More specifkly spaghetti. I made some pasta no' so longago. Do you two want sommit aswell?" I start pulling out multiple ingredients.

"Well, were stayin 'ere for another few days until your girlfriend 'ere's still recovering." I instantly shoot up out of the cupboard I was rummaging in at the reference behind the word 'girlfriend' only to hit my head on the surface above it. I stand fully graoning whilst rubing the back of my head and turn to my mum. She just watches me with an ammused smile plasted on her face, my eyes flicker to Asami.

"Sorry, 'bout me mum Sams, she dunna know when ta qui'". Towards the end of the sentence I grit my teeth and stare at an 'oh so innocent' mother staring right back.

"Yeah, yeah, you're both kids and don't know what you're doin'." I watch my father agree in a single nod and I get frustrated.

"Mum, I', flippin' what like 16? and Asami's 17. We're more than capable of knowing what's 'appenin' in 't' world." A flail my arms around whilst holding a pan of cool water. It sloshed dangerously close to the edge but didn't spill 'thank goddess'. I spin back round and carry on with prepping tea.

I mutter to myself about them being worse than Ikki and Jinora. I don't know how two primary schoolers even know this much stuff but they do.

Just as I was draing the spag-boll I hear my parents murmur behind me about Asami.

"I'm not gonna leave this poor kid on 't' streets. She won't last ..." - "I think Korra seems more than happy to have her stop here." - "Yeah but wha' if they split?" - "They aren't likely, Asami's more than compatible for Korra." I turn around about ready to shout at them for saying that infront of Asami only to find her leaning into my mum fast asleep while Senna strokes her hair. I smile at the sleeping girls peacefulness.

Realising I was holding a metal pan that is very hot I yelp in pain and chuck the pan onto the side. It drew the attention of my parents and stirred Asami, thankfully not waking her. "My goddess, why do I keep doin' that?" I wave my hands about trying to cool them off then carry on with what I was doing.

"Alright chaps an' chappets sit up." I call walking from behind the counter top with steaming bowls of spaghetti. I give them to Senna and Tonrak. When I have mine and Asami's I walk back and gently nudge a still sleeping Asami awake. She's moved away from my mum and so was easier to nudge her.

Seeing as my parents had sat on the armchairs either side of the sete I scooted myself as close to Asami as my food scoffing would allow. Once I' d scoffed my food down I watch Asami finish hers. She must have felt my gaze and looked up mid slurp and I turn away a blush forming.

I excused myself once everyone was done taking all the clean plates with me and hollar from the kitchen, "Sams, I'll put another bed up in my room, you go make yourself comfy in mine. Wear whatever u can find." I hear the grunt of her picking herself up off of the couch and I finished washing the dishes. My parents made their way to the guest room just as I walk from behind the counter and Senna whispers to me, "Don't get up to no good." Before I could retort she'd grabbed my dads arm and slammed the door behind her.

I smile and walk into my room, Asami was curled up and slowly drifting off into sleep until, "Korra" was softly moaned I hummed in response. "Can you ... can you sleep with me tonight?" I shrug and hum thinking why not and start peeling my clothes off only realising they must absolutely reek, I strip myself down to my boxers and bindings grab a white tank from the draw and crawl in next to the warm body already occupying the bed who was holding the duvet up just enough for me to see her wearing nothing bar a tiny pair of shorts. I blush but carry on wrapping my arm round her waist as she tucked her head into my shoulder. "Mmmhh-night Korra" I smile and reply "Night Sami, don't let the bed bugs bi'".

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