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I can't believe I've just done that, oh my goddess, oh my goddess; infront of my mother too. Ohmycrap, right calm down Korra. SO, you just walked to your seriously beautifully sexy girlfriend practically nude in-front of your mum, basically groaned and backtracked, way to go brainiac. What do you do now? Hmm Asami won't be long if I've got it right and then what.

I sit down on the bed head in hands as I quickly go through my options. A) Make a tit out of myself, and say 'oh sorry Sam's no can do I'm a wuss, I'm wussin out'. B) Go through with whatever I manage to plan in the next few seconds or C) Go with the flow when Sam's gets in here.

I lie out on the bed just in time to see the door open slightly with Asami stood looking at something behind her. She closes the door and my hand lifts up, why I don't know, and beckons her. She grins and I take that as a good sign.

She slowly walks forward taking her top off, however she she gets the shirt just over her head she stops and I can see a grimace appear. She takes the top off even more slowly and brings a hand to her ribs grimacing more bowing her head.

I shoot off the bed and towards her before she can fall over. I've never seen her in so much pain, well apart from when Kuv nudged her in the ribs.

"What, what's up. Isit ya ribs?" I hear her gasp and nod, so I lie her down, luckily I have really soft rugs dotted here there and everywhere and let her lie in the most comfortable position.

I cross my legs under her head. "MUM!...MUM!" I shout hoping to god my mum's able to hear me.

A few seconds later the door swings open and she's at Asami's side in an instant.

"I need to get painkillers," after a few seconds of shouting at each other because my mum can't find any which were right where I'd said they'd be she rushes back into the room with the meds and a glass of water.

"Hey Sam's? We've got some painkillers okay." She nods slightly and I hold the glass while she swallows the painkillers. I hand her the glass and she chugs the whole thing.

After a couple if seconds the painkillers had kicked in and I felt her relax into my touch. I had started stroking her cheek offering some form of comfort from not being able to take her pain away.

Senna watches me as I rest her head on the floor before I crawl round to her side and fit my arms underneath her shoulder blades and knees. I lift her up careful not to knock her ribs and slowly walk to my bed all the while gazing at her gazing at me gazing at her. I offer a smile and dip my head to peck her lips.

She lifts a hand to my chest and places her palm flat above my heart. "I love you," she whispers, voice low in utter exhaustion.

I finally reach the bed which seemed to be further away than before and lay her down pulling the covers up under chin, she smiles at me and lean down again only it wasn't a quick peck, it was passionate and involved a lot of tongue.

I'm vaguely aware of my dad asking my mum what's going on from the now closed door. Mum must have closed it earlier.

Asami's hand had found my cheek and I leaned into it when we eventually pulled apart, I lean my forehead on hers and repeat her words. "I love you too." she leans up again using the leverage on my neck to yank me down and into another more brutal kiss. When she pulls away she holds onto my lip causing myself to smile at her eagerness.

"I'm gonna go get some breaky, would ya like-" I'm cut off by the look she's giving me. Her eyes are glossed over from lust and her lips caught between a row of perfect white teeth.

"Asamiiii *I use a warning tone* you can't say me and it wunna be in my resolve to possibly accidentally hur' ya." Hang on she isn't normally like this.

I look for the painkillers my mum had gotten and scan the pack chuckling when I realise a side affect is deliriousness. Well that's that solved. I look towards her one last time and see her pupils are still dilated, I chuckle to myself and continue to close the door.

I turn around and come face to face with my father. "Ah, young lady wha' 'ave I said bou' walking round 'alf-dressed?" - "Not to?" - "Correct."

I look down at my exposed chest and shrug thinking 'oh well', "My fla', plus you know 'ow warm i' gets 'ere." I counter staring him down. He chuckles softly and goes to sit next to my mum.

"Anywho, how's she fairing looked pretty painful." My mum's sincere concern isn't at all surprising. She seems to get along with Sam's fairly well.

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Oct 30, 2015 ⏰

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