oh school

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Waling into school after two weeks spent onto the streets isn't as bad as one may think it to be. I have managed to keep my uniform reasonably presentable and kept myself smart and clean for the most part. I haven't washed my hair in two weeks and I'm slowly starving having not made much money from begging in the past two days.

Everyone around me grew further from me and I refused to talk or even look at Korra knowing she'd want to know what's wrong and I don't know what to tell her. I havn't got the guts to tell her the truth though and it's killing me seeing her saddened face staring off out the window when I know she's not looking. However when I'm not watching her I can feel her gaze burning into me like two rays of sun on your hand. It's that sixth sense that makes me want to turn around so badly and just meat her gaze, even if for just a fraction of a second.

Ever since running away my father hasn't tried to contact me and he hasn't let reporters know why they haven't seen the CEO of future industrys daughter with him at any given point and time.

After another week of torturous silence to anyone that tried to converse with me they gave up and one metal work lesson as I went to sit down a note had been left. It had scrawled writing and the front simply red Asami. I opened it to see this.


You have been very introverted at the moment and I'm intrigued to know what has upset you.

I hope it's not me, if it is please say something anything.

It's torture not being able to talk to you and I really want to help.

Please, please acknowledge your still alive and not some zombie walking round school, unless it's school that's done it to you which I can't blame you for.

This is my number if you need me for ... anything.


At the end of the note a little chibi doodle of myself and her was there. It showed me posing in a ridiculously weird way with Korra there with a sketch pad. This made me smile, after so many weeks of non. She really knew how to lighten the mood.


After a few months of homelessness I have found myself in more and more despairing situations involving someone picking on me and spit-balls being flung at me during class. It takes me ages to remove the blasted things without having the facility's of a proper shower. The best I have is the rain.

I probably sound like this mass of revoltingness wallowing in self pity but nothing exiting ever happens to me anymore and the best I have to say is the fights that go on.

The fights only just stated recently when well known 'evil persons' shall we say found out about my living arrangements when out shopping. They didn't know I was a Sato but that still wouldn't have changed anything anyhow. Not with my mess of hair and smelling to high heaven.

I have managed to get food, whenever my father went to work at the weekend I'd slip in through the front door, seeing as I had my key and nick food. I didn't dare stop any longer and have a proper wash but he came back at weird intervals meaning I could only be in the mansion for so long. I had decided he was going to be known to me as Hiroshi and not father when he caught me running out the door one day arms full of food. He managed to lash out and hit my side. I couldn't defend myself because of the food I was carrying however and he caught just where my ribs were.

The adrenaline from the surprise of seeing him had, at the time, kept me from feeling pain but as the night grew darker my ribs hurt more and I struggled for breath.

The next day I went into school very, very tender. Any slight knock would make me cry out quietly in pain immediately greeted with a look of distaste.

Unfortunately I had metal work first thing which meant trying not to look weak so Korra wouldn't be concerned. It didn't go to plan as Kuvira walked past and shoved an elbow into my side trying to move me out of the way so she could get to the utensils at the front.

Her elbow connected right where my cracked rib was and I shouted out in pain. The class went silent as I collapsed to the floor in a world of pain. I heard someone rush forward and crouch at my side saying something but I couldn't hear them. My head was filled with pain and when they tried moving me the pain was unbearable, I felt my eyes roll into the back of my head and I fell unconscious.

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