My baby Sam's :(

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"How's she doin'?" I look at my Dad when I finally sit myself down at the dining table where my parents are sat, tea in one hand and digestive in the other. Whoever thought digestive was an appealing biscuit name I have no idea, but oh they're soooooo gorgeous, especially the chocolate covered ones.

A clearing throat stirred me from biscuit heaven and I realise my Dad'd just asked me a question.

"She's sleepin', jus-ta lil' panicked. Her father wasn't the most accepting of soals." I sigh, saddened by the fact that such a wonderful, funny, stunning person would have had a they've had.

"Dear, you've made sure she knows she's safe around-us 'aven't you?" My Mum leans forward hand under chin. I knew the interrogating would start at some point.

"Yes, I 'ave. I've never really seen 'er this relaxed around any man before, though I think there was just-a trigger of some sor' a' tha' exact momen'. You know, how I used to have triggers." They nod and I get up to make myself a cuppa deciding that I'm going to make Sam's a cuppa also but put lots of sugar in it to help her with any left over shock from being caught. Well, I say 'being caught' it's more like bad timing.

I drain the teabag from the nicely brewed tea, if I do say so myself, and get the milk out after putting more than the recommended amount of sugar into Asami's tea. "Yeah, that's gonna take a lil' bi' of time ta..." - "Do not say 'ge' over' you can't just ge' over somethin' like this."- "Iwunna gonna say 'ge' over' I was gonna say ... overcome." I raise an eyebrow at him then pick up both mugs. One with animal on it and the other saying 'I'm inta coffe, but I love tea more' with a picture of a blushing teabag on it.

"I'm gonna go see 'ow Sam's doin'. Night if I dunna come back out." I smile to my parents and head to my bedroom, before I open the door though, I hear my Mum shout.

"Try not ta do anything that we're gonna walk in on." I snort retorting with.

"In your dreams sweet cheeks." And close the door before she can reprimand me for being 'so rude'.

I blow out a puff of air and turn to face Asami who'd been awoken by my brash entrance. I grin at her and set my tea on the mini table next to my bed.

"Hey, Sams. Feelin' be''er? *She nods, smiling as I help her sit up* Good-good, I brought some super sweetened tea for ya" I hand her the mug with the teabag on it and sit beside her after having leant over to pick my own mug up.

"They aren't angry at me are they?" Asami asks, her eyes laced with worry.

"Sam's they're far from angry, the only possible thing they'd be angry a' would be because they're the ones ta make ya trigger." I place a hand upon hers and lean in allowing her to lean her head on my shoulder. "They're just concerned about how well you're takin' 't' new environment and crap." I smile and watch her sip from the mug.

"Ooooohhh that is strong, I kinda like the idea of sugar in my tea now." - "Fiiiinnally someone agrees with me," I end it with a groan of relief. She giggles and I scootch up next to her wrapping an arm round her shoulders only just realising she'd taken off the shirt and shorts, leaving her with just her bra and knickers.

"But no, in all seriousness there's nothin' ta be afraid of. We're 'ere, they're more than 'appy ta be your new family, I defintly am and you've still got Opal, Mako, Wu and Bolin. Oh and Jinora." I give her shoulder a squeeze before polishing off my own brew and lean over Sam's to place it on the little table.

"I'm actually kind of glad you came back this early because I was getting cold in this bed, alone, no-one to warm me up." I quirk an eyebrow.

"I'm not the one stripped down to her underwear though am I?" She seems to notice this and blushes looking away from me. She brings the duvet, from her lap, up and around her neck. I chuckle and get off the bed altogether eliciting a slight groan of frustration from behind me.

That groan's cut short however when I start to remove my own clothes. Starting with my perfectly polished black shoes, then my tie. The school, for some unbeknownst reason, had made them clips instead of proper ties. I then move to unbuttoning my shirt catching Asami's eye as she stares at me mouth agape. I snicker and let the shirt fall from my torso.

"God you're sexy" I hear her murmur and I almost fall over from the unexpectedness of it. She giggles and I carry on by removing my belt and slowly unzipping my pressed black trousers. I've always loved trousers that have crisp edges to them, don't know why.

I slide my trousers down revealing my navy boxers and tanned legs. I start making my way towards the bed unravelling my bindings. Her eyes widen showing more of her deliciously lust filled pupils. I grin as the last few strips are removed, once they are removed a sigh of content leaves me at the feeling of fresh air touching my bare nips.

"Watch out, you could poke an eye out with those. Why have you taken the bindings of anyway? not that I'm complaining." I smirk at her jesting and go to reply as I slip under the covers and allow Asami to curl up into my side, head on my chest, hand on my seriously toned abdomen.

"I'm from a really cold par' of England remember, It's like a constant heat wave down here. Stoke is renowned for being freezin' and wet, much like all of England but even more so. Being in the Northern part of London's like I'm in flippin Ibiza." She chuckles and I stroke a warm hand up her back causing goosebumps to prickle at my touch.

"Thank you Korra. Thank you for being here, for being warm, caring and sexy. Goodnight" I squeeze her upper arm and lean down to kiss her goodnight.

"Goodnigh' beau'iful," I smile and settle back into the pillows. Still smiling when I drift off into unconsciousness.

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