Korra <3

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I'm walking down the corridor hand in hand with Korra two days after the beating, when a shout sounds over the bustling heads of kids. We stop and turn to see Bolin running towards us out of breath and bright red.

He stops before us and bends over hands on hips trying to catch his breath while talking. "You guys ... Opal ... from other form ... on a date." He finally collects his breath and straightens to see Korra staring in shock; mine not so much, you didn't grow up in the business without learning a few tips and tricks as father always says.

"Care to explain in greater detail?" I ask, one hand on my hip the other still clutching Korra's hand.

"Well, do you know Opal from 11SB. I asked her out and she said yes, and I wasn't expecting that, and I have no idea what to do." I happen to know Opal, a close friend of mine, although I know everyone in the year anyway. She's helped me through past beatings when I've not been as capable of coping, but then again she's a really nice girl in general. Who wouldn't like her.

"Oh. You asked her out, riigghhttt. So where you gonna go, when and what you gonna do?" Korra chirped up from beside me. She goes to hug Bolin in a massive bear hug that can only be described as a full on bro-fest in a hug.

"Bolin. Why'd you run off." Opal came into view just past Bolin and Korra.

I watch as Bolin struggles to find words. I think he got scared and ran, would explain the abruptness of him in general. "Well I uh ... I ummmm. Give me a sec." He crossed his arms and rested his index finger on his chin appearing to be lost in thought.

"He was just about to tell you where your date's gonna be." Korra grinned after saying this and shoved a very stunned Bolin towards the girl. "Now if you don't mind us, we need to be going to metal work." and with that she grabbed my hand and started towards the classroom.

Walking through the door Korra guided me to the back of the class where she normally sat, she watched me expectantly while I was in the process of sitting down. I raised a brow at her and questioned, "What" in my most high pitched voice. She leaned forward and kissed me. It was short and chaste but it was there and all the feelings she felt came through.

When we parted I looked down and fiddled with my hands blushing. I heard a humph from across the room but thought nothing of when Korra let out a lone laugh and pulled out her sketchpad to doodle on till the class was over.

Class felt shorter than normal and for some reason I was looking forward to the end of the lesson in order to walk with Korra home.

The bell went and me and her got up after being dismissed, we got to the door me in the lead when Kuvira stopped infront of me and cast a disgusted look my way. She went out whilst waiting for whomever it was she was ringing to pick up. Very strange if you ask me. But each to their own.

I parted from Korra when we reached her cottage and she gave me a kiss goodbye and I felt warm. A red tint reached my cheeks either from the fuzz of the kiss or the nippy town air. I said my goodbyes and finally started towards the mansion.

Walking through the door I heard my father yell again, that's odd normally he's all sympathy and love after a beating. I shrugged my satchel off and walked towards the yell. He was stood there red in the face a pint of Guinness in his hand and a belt in the other. I new something was completely off the moment my gaze came to rest on the beer, normally he only drinks wine. His normally spotless suit was crumpled in places and his hair ruffled. My first thought was step back as he approached belt in hand.

"How many times do I have tot tell you that doing things with another girl is wrong and revolting. I don't care if your my daughter, girls shouldn't be doing things like that. Girls are in this world to give men children and sex nothing more." He was oddly calm and quiet in his rant. During it he gradually walked across the living room, every step he took I took one as well knowing it could end badly if he got close.

He placed his pint on a side board and straightened the belt between both hands much like two days ago, only this time I knew he was going to be relentless, he always was when Guinness was involved. He can't hold his liquor very well and a pint means he's already over tipsy. "I have had enough of you and your disgusting antics with this 'Korra'. You belong to a man and only a man like that chap Mako. He's an ideal husband if ever I saw one." - "Dad, Mako's gay, he has a boyfriend." My fathers face paled and his knuckles went beyond white from gripping the belt so hard. I watched in horror as he pulled the taught belt over his head ready to lash out to me.

I ran as fast as I could to my room throwing a backpack of stuff together. Shirt, trousers, bottle, anorak and my mums necklace. I attached a utility belt to myself and made sure a pocket knife was in it. It took only a few moments to do all this but the moment I'd packed everything I jumped out of the window onto the apple tree branch. I used to do this to get out when I was younger, I was quite rebellious. I could still hear my father hammering at the door when I'd jumped down and ran. Running for my life.

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