An eyebrows accent

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My brow was, right now, so far down my forehead it may have well have been a moustache. I unfold my arms and let them hand limply at my sides.

"Heh, heh heh, hehhahhahahahaha" I'm practically snorting of laughter when I see the little smirk on Kuvira falter a little and Korra just watch me laugh I laugh even harder. All that can be heard is distant shouts from football players and my laughter filling the corridors.

I give one last snort, "And ... who made ... this one up?" I manage to get out in-between snorts. "Oh wait don't tell me. NO, no this ... is too funny ..." MY giggles eventually subside and I'm able to get better sentences out now, even though I'm holding my aching sides. "You think, you can just march around telling who they can and can't like. This. Is. Insane. Inthemembrain." I giggle a little more and step a little closer to Korra and Kuvira. "Do you know who I am? Do you even know what I'm capable of? DO you even know that I like girl power and don't like to be told what I can and can't do, i.e. Who I can and can't kiss?" I started turning bitter halfway through my little rant but who is she to tell me what I can and can't do.

Korra and Kuvira answer simultaneously with Kuvira saying no and Korra saying yes. Although Korra was a little bit more confused. "Korra. How can you kiss her when you don't even know who she is properly?" She blushes and faces the floor yet again.

"Wait you really have no idea who I am?" She shakes her head. Of course she doesn't you idiot you haven't told her your surname; that shouldn't make a difference she should know from the news; what if she doesn't watch the new dimwhit; good point. I sigh and glare at Kuvira.

"Do me a favour and shove off. I don't care about these rugby rules, it isn't even a rule. It's ridiculous." Kuvira's face hardens, her posture changes from laid back to almost looking like an army stance.

"No" Well that was simply put. I stand right infront of her, face to face. I prod her chest and say "Go." She shakes her head.

Korra somehow manages to wriggle between us and I take a step back. "Please guys I ain't gonna get inta more trouble for sommet you started" she points at Kuvira and carries on. "You two need calm yo tits." She jokingly pronounced tits but aimed it a glare at Kuvira. Kuvira stares back and steps forward shoving Korra over with a shoulder. Right that is it I have had it with this girl.

Stepping forward as if to embrace the girl she relaxes her arms to her sides, exactly where I need them, and I reach an arm out keeping my face as placid as possible. Grabbing her wrist I twist until I hear a gasp of pain from Kuvira, and Korra' s staring wide eyed at me.

I'd managed to twist my body in such away that It forced Kuviras body round her arm while I duck under it and hold it behind her back, wrist at an excruciatingly painful angle. I rest my chin on her shoulder and whisper menacingly, "I don't want any more shit from you, why don't you take your little Captain pride and shove it up your arse." I squeeze faintly on her wrist which pulls another gasp from her trembling lips and I continue. "I don't care if your a Captain or head-pupil or even a fudging popular kid. You can't go around like you did just now and tell everyone who you're going to go out with, half these people wouldn't want to go out with you anyway. Not with that attitude." I finish with a final firm squeeze eliciting a painful sob which made me smirk a little and released her.

She glared at me then stormed off through the crowd which parted for her. I glance back to Korra who was now slightly more confused than earlier and I said simply, "we need to talk." I grab her wrist and Bolin's knowing the other two for some reason unbeknown to me would follow.

We arrive in a small class at the top of the school which is usually used for extra help in maths. Thankfully it was empty and I dragged Korra in and shut the door once the other three had entered and sat down.

"Do you know what my surname is?" They all nod their heads bare Korra who looked blankly at me. "It's Sato Korra, have you ever heard of that?" She shook it again. This was going to take a while. "Ever heard of Future Industrys?" I finally get a nod out of her and I sigh a breath of relief. "The current CEO of it is my father, he plans to hand it over to me any month now and I know martial arts," okay now that was random, but it might explain a little bit more to them about how I was able to do that to Kuvira. I thread my fingers together and stare at them waiting for a response that will probably be one of disgust because I didn't tell her or I was holding it back on purpose or something along those lines. However I receive non of those and see a tanned, calloused hand creep towards mine, eventually threading mine and her fingers together.

I look up and see a goofy grin emblazoned on her face, and watery eyes as if she was going to cry.

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