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It had been a good two days now, that Asami was in hospital. She would often go to sleep in the most awkward of ways. Once I found her flat on her back but bent round an imaginary pole so that she formed a C. Another time was when I just got back from the vending machine having needed a drink and found her curled up on the corner of the bed clutching her knees to her holding a knife that had accompanied her earlier tea.

She must have not been able to get into any comfy position on the streets , and now she's in an actual bed she can just fall asleep like that.

She must be really worn out as well because in the past two days she's been asleep for three fifths of that time.

I'm just sat here content in watching her when my side vibrates, I hurry out the door so as not to wake the sleeping girl and answer my mobile without looking at the screen.

"KORRA! Where the HELL have you been?" Me and your father have been getting worried. The school has phoned to see where you were and we didn't know because we're still up North. We are just getting off the docks, give us your location because your gonna get an earful Missy." Great just what I need, my parents are going ta start on me now. Oh well I'll tell them where I am then hang up, they can figure it out for them selves when they get here.

"I'm in Republic Town's hospi'al, talk to ya la'er. Byyeeee." She moved her phone away from her ear whilst trailing out the end of her bye then pressed end call. It's then, just as I hit 'End Call' that I here a shout.

"KORRA!" It sounded panicked and I race back into the room to see a fidgeting Asami. She's clutching onto the duvet with sweat pouring down her face. "Oh my spirits Korra." I can tell she's struggling for breath so I hush her and sit by her side rubbing soothing circles on her back.

Streams of tears were making tracks down her cheeks, "I thought you'd gone Korra. I thought you'd left me." - "I would never leave you I just had ta take a call. My mum's just shoutin' at me," I make a light hearted attempt at humour to try and lighten the mood, it must have worked because between the heaving sobs a small chuckle escaped the girl beside me.

I realise that this was the first time she'd woken up without me beside her. She must have gone through hell and back to be this terrified of me leaving.

"Why'r you so scared that I'll run off. I wunna dream of doin' summet like that." She reached for my hand and I held it.

"I-I ... I guess I just had too many people, leaving or hurting me. I gave you the could shoulder for the past year because I thought it'd be better than having you walk away from me once discovering my ... homelessness." She sighed and flopped backwards onto the bleach white hospital pillows.

"Why'd you run away from Hiroshi?" I ask, I know that Hiroshi had found out about my persons still dating Asami but it didn't explain why she'd run away.

She sighs again but for longer before answering, "when my father gets drunk he gets drunk. He can't hold licker well and when he does get drunk it's usually because something has worried or angered him. A single pint of anything can make him over tipsy but that night when I ran away he must have had at least three pints of Guinness. Which compared to constantly drinking red wine is quite the change. I saw a fire in his eyes Korra, a fire that was evil. He wasn't just going to beat me and then let life get on like normal he was going to do more, I could see his brain ticking. He had his belt, he had anger and he had the only thing that had disappointed him."

I move to sit on the bed beside Asami to wrap a comforting arm around her, she leans into it and brings a small smile to the corner of my mouth.

"You arn't a disappointment he's a disappointment if ever I saw one. If you want I can introduce you to my parents if you'd like. They recently landed in town after raging at me on the phone." Asami nodded into my shoulder and wiped a few lingering tears away.

"Yeah. I'd like that, seeing as you are my girlfriend. Aren't I" She pushes herself back and stares into my eyes fearing I'd say no.

I reach a hand to her cheek and wipe a stray tear away, "I've bin your girlfriend for lord know's 'ow long now, why would tha' change?" I smile as she leans up to kiss me. It was tender and full of love and I never moved my hand from her face when she moved back and cuddled up to my side.

I hear distant shouts coming from the door but I rub it off as me and her slowly drift to sleep.

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