Korra's strop

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"No, that's not what I meant, wait ... yes it is. You were just there and I was here an' I was distracted, an' you were just so perfect. And the light was right, and your 'air is nice. It's like liquid obsidian and your eyes, oh your eyes I got so distracted. I didn't actually mean to say it out loud and ... and" With that I watched as Korra huffed and got up, and went. It probably didn't help that I still hadn't said anything yet.

"Is she normally like this?" I questioned and all I needed was a quick shake of a head from Bolin to push me into running after Korra. It took me a few moments to find where Korra was amidst the slowly growing corridor of people. "KORRA!" I notice her slowing down but not stopping so I keep my pace up and find myself stood next to the shorter girl in no time.

"I'm sorry I really didn't ..." But I cut her off with a chaste kiss. After realising what I'd just done I blush profusely and stare at the ground ringing my hands.

We walk in silence for a few more minutes until I feel a hand on my cheek farthest from Korra, I can feel her nudging it to look her way until I do but I still don't meat her eyes.

Her fingers are warm and I can feel the steady pulse of her heart through them, realising she wasn't going to take her hand away after a few more seconds of torturous silence I look at her properly. The moment I do a pair of lips are back on mine and I'm being pushed through the crowd and against a wall.

She brakes the contact first and leans her head on my shoulder seeing as my height makes my forehead too high up.

"I've been wanting to do that for some time now" she chuckles. She still hasn't taken her hand from my face and I reach up to cover her hand with mine.

"Neither could I" I whisper this because of course Korra pushing me through an aggravated corridor full of people is going to reach some attention. Korra's friends had caught up with us and an audible gasp from the boy called Bolin shattered what was a deathly silent corridor, breaking us both from the little bubble that kiss had formed.

I feel Korra tense and jump away from me in fright; while I try to slow my speeding heart. Resting my head against the wall I manage to steady my jelly legs and allow myself to stand up straight. A loud yell of "KORRA" is audible from to the side amongst the still shocked audience. I see heads bobbing about as someone surges forward until they're in view. A woman slightly taller than Korra has pushed through the last of the circle and an ooooohhhh is present.

"How dare you, you little nobody" I furrow my brow and try to remember how I recognise her. She has paler skin than Korra and black hair put up in a loose bun, she has a mole under her left eye and has a metal choker, only just visible above the pristine uniform.

Korra's sigh draws my attention back to her. "What have I done noooow Kuvira?" Korra has visibly relaxed with her eyes closed and head down in exasperation. She elongated the now to appear as fed up. She tucks her left hand into her trouser pocket and kicks her foot at the ground.

"You know exactly what." She hissed through her teeth, "Asami was mine" She practically growled the last part and her words were laced with anger. Wait hang on 'mine'? Me?

"Hang on there a second sonny Jim, I'm not yours or hers or anyone's for that matter." I state, instantly reverting back to the business tone that had rubbed off on me from my dad. My posture straightened and I look her directely in the eye when speaking.

"Oh? Did little Korra here not tell you, I think she has some explaining to do." She crossed her arms and faced Korra, I did too; she's looking really depressed at the moment, poor baby.

She sighs again and bobs her head even further down when facing me, her shoulders slump more and she just generally has a stance of defeat. "I-I ... I, kinda ummm ... Err- I play rugby with her and the captain has this ... this thing where she has first dibs basically." I have, at this point, absolutely no idea what she's talking about.

"Captain?" - "Yeah, Kuvira here's the captain. Captain gets to chose who she's gonna ask and we have ta abide by it."

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