Sami? oh no!

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A smirk pulls at the corner of my lips. Not because of the state my flats in, not because of the state those two are in but at the fact that Asami's drueling down her front whilst staring at my arms. This is the first time she's seen any other part of me without having a blazer on. It's way too hot for blazers in my opinion but the schools rules are the schools rules right?

We stay fixed for a few seconds until my mum suddenly disrupts the awkward tension. "Ahem, well...I'm gonna go ring ya father. Seeing as your'ere now." She then hurries on past me and into the corridor outside. Don't know why she needs to go into the corridor but she did, which leaves me and Sams.

"Well, care ta-explain why me flats in't state I' is?" Asami looks down and it looks as though she's pretending she didn't hear me. I clear my throat and her face looks back up guiltily.

"I was, we were, Senna offered to bake with me. You know seeing as I've never really done that before." She grimaces then turns around trying to dust herself off, much to her dismay it didn't work. I feel the smile on my face grow into a full blown grin.

I sneak up behind her, hands stretched out towards her hips. Then, I pounce, wrapping my arms around her waist instead and make her jump.

"Senna definitely started it though." She pouts and faces me, I'd rested my chin on her shoulder and leaned in for a kiss.

This kiss however wasn't lingering or fast it was slow and melodic, passionate. I could taste cherry chap-stick on her lips, no doubt routed out by my mum. The kiss was slow and allowed me to trace every tooth every inch of her mouth every little hot excited breath huffed out onto my cheek.

I smile and feel Sams following my lead. By now I had completely forgotten about my mum and was slowly pushing her towards my door.

Her back hit it and I felt a pair of hands trace their way up my spine and into my hair. One hand slipped back down to my shoulder blade and holds tight all the while never breaking the kiss.

I allow my own hands to wander, from waist to hips to arse. I grab on, tight and swallow a moan and a thrust. My right hand glides down to a thigh and lifts, enabling her to wrap a knee round my own hips and backside.

A cough disrupts us before I get too carried away. I shoot away from Asami and look to where the cough had been heard. My mum and dad were stood there; knowing expressions etched into their faces.

"Ohmygoddess, ohmygoddess. Oh my crap, this's soooo embarrassin'." My face heats up madly and I look to Asami who's face had gotten so red she'd covered it with her hands. I grin but then a sob escapes her.

"I'm so, so sorry. I won't do it again. I just, she's so beautiful and was just ... there. I should have known better than to kiss a girl. Please don't take it out on Korra?" She rubs furiously at her face trying to expel her tears. There's a moment where I just don't do anything, don't react, don't move, don't even blink until my brain clicks and I swoop forward, gathering the trembling girl in my arms.

"Hey, hey. No, Sams listen ta me, you inna in trouble fa'r-anything. Absolutely nothin', you've done nothin' wrong. Heeeeyyyy calm down there's nothin' ta worry abou'. Me parents love ya, we all do." I slowly open my bedroom door and led the sobbing girl inside. I look over my shoulder at my parents still stood there watching on as Asami continues to cry and I close the door.

"When I say we all love ya we do, my mum seriously likes you because it takes a special kind-of person for her to come along and start teachin' 'ow ta baaake in wha'-like, five days? *I rub a soothing hand up and down her back now that we're seated on the edge of my bed* If me mum 'ad i' 'er waaay she'd probably adopt ya on't spot."

She chuckles and leans further into me. "Now, when we see me parents again they're gonna be concerned of course, but they wunna ask questions. They're the most friendly people in't world, apart from my second family *I accentuate the second part with air quotations* Trust me-everything's gonna be alright." Her sobs had become few and far between now and I take that as a good sign, but I go on to whisper little nothings into her ear soothing her further until a light snoring came from the warm body leant into mine.

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