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Waking up in my own bed confused the hell out of me. I try to move but stop when pain wrecks havoc on me and a whimper escapes my lips. Lying back down I try to recollect my thoughts of what happened. A belt, so sudden and vivid I jump and almost fall of the beds edge.

Think Asami what was he so mad about, ah Korra, well I say Korra 'girlfriend' in fathers terms. This beating however, was far more harsh than past beatings.

A splitting headache takes over and I press a palm to my eye, regretting having done so instantly it feels puffy and I only just notice that half my vision is blurry. I run to the bathroom and stare at the mirror. I'm still in my clothes from earlier but blood patched spotted my shirt and a gigantic black eye was gawping back at me. I look like I've dragged through a hedge backwards.

Walking back into my room I decide to change and see what the time was. The digital clock read 5:45am. So, I was passed out for more than a few minutes because it was night when I got back. I struggle over to the curtains and open them revealing a beautiful dawn, kind of ironic from what happened last night.

I decide to get changed making sure my clothes were firmly shoved into the bin and get as far away from the mansion as possible from not being able to stand being in that place one more minute.

I take my Sato-bike out and whiz round the city until it was time for school.

Arriving at school, I decide it would be best to avoid Korra from now on. She doesn't need to see me so weak.

That proved to be harder as the day went by, especially hard since I keep receiving dirty looks wherever I go and fifth period I have metal work.


Rushing into the class I keep my face turned away from where Korra was already seated and sit in the far corner next to the window so that Korra can't see... I gasp in pain as I feel a hand on my shoulder. "Asami?" I force myself to turn in my seat keeping my face out of sight so I can see her feat. They are very nice feat.

"Hey, Asami what happened," Korra was serious and I watch as she crouched down offering me her face, I watch as a look of oure horror etches into it. I bow my head even more so ashamed of my appearance until a soft hand caresses my chin. I look up seeing Korra looking sternly at me.

"Asami I want to know what happened?" I sighed knowing that this moment was inevitable. I excuse our persons from class and stop just outside the now closed door.

"Korra, I-I ... I fell over and whacked my face, nothing big," I lie shrugging it off in the hope that she'd believe me even if I didn't myself. She reaches for my face and cups my cheeks in a gentle caress. She sighs.

"Asami, I know this ain't what happens when someone falls over. You've been punched, believe I know." She reassures me with a small smile then caries on, "Now. I'm here and I care for you, I feel things Asami and seeing you like this makes me feel more things tha' I canny explain. Asami I want you to tell me, who, did, this, to, you?" She gestures to my limp form with a glance with her eyes.

I sigh myself and try to relax into her touch as I muster the courage to tell her. "My father found out about us and beat me. He's beaten me before so don't worry." I can tell me just saying 'don't worry's' going to make a whole difference in calming Korra.

"No father should do this to their daughters. No father should raise an 'and to 'em. No father should even be worthy of 'father' if this is the outcome." I shake my head trying to form words that just woon't come.

"No I'll be fine, he just hates queers. If he knows I'm doing this then he'll stop. I promise. I'll be fine."

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