Heated snog

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"Korra?" She lurches towards me. Her hand lands on mine and a pair of chapped lips press into mine. Before anything gets too overheated though, seeing as we are doing this infront of her friends I pull back, however I was met with a disappointed look which I reassured with a warm smile and a slight squeeze from my hand which I'd managed to turn round so we held each others palms.

"Well. I figure I still need to introduce you to my friends. This is Bolin, Mako and Wu. We call him Prince for the lols though." She pointed to each of her friends individually and my eyes watch her hand. "Guys, this is Asami." Bolin appears to realise something because his mouth forms an oh then grins.

"Oh, so this is the raven you've been nattering about for the past few months?" I look at Korra brow raised to see her slapping her hand to her face just before I catch a glimpse of her blush. My grin grows and I'm soon chuckling quietly.

"Bolin" She whines, "Seriously? Right here?" I laugh a little harder at this.

Then the bell goes, great, perfect timing. I sigh and start getting up releasing Korra's hand and wait for the others to do so also before I head to the door. Double English next, yaaaay.


Stepping through the door to the mansion I hear my father yell my name. He sounded distressed.

I hasten my pace and rush to where I heard my farther shout. "What's the problem?" I ask thinking it's something to do with the company or a design.

"You, young lady, are in BIG trouble," all I can do is stand there frozen to the spot as I watch my father stride towards me, belt in hand and a scowl on his face.

"I haven't done anything wrong father. Dad I can assure you nothing is wrong." He kept advancing towards me tightening and then slacking the belt in his hands, until he was stood before me; my person still not having had the nerve to move an inch.

"A certain someone has informed me of your ... girlfriend ... this is unacceptable behaviour Asami." My brow creases in confusion trying to think about what could possibly wrong with having a girlfriend.

Ohmygodess he's homophobic. "Calm down father, there is a reasonable explanation," - "No, you can't be with another girl." He hissed into my ear, a sadistic smile creeping across his face. I watch in horror as he draws his hand back holding the belt and brings it down on me, just catching my shoulder. Pain sears through it as I go to grab my shoulder it comes down again hitting my side, winding me.

I'm powerless to do anything to stop him, he is my father after all, perhaps I deserved this. I'm the only one at fault for this, I knew this would happen but I failed to see it in time.

After what seems like hours I've collapsed on the floor heaving big sobs as pain wrecks my body. I feel his hand in my hair forcing me to look up, his face is close enough to mine that I can smell wine on his breath. "If I EVER catch or hear about this again there will be worse consequences." With that he releases my hair, but before I'm even able to gather an ounce of strength to move his fist hits my face forcing my head back pushing my whole body backwards with enough force my head hits the floor and I pass out.

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