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"Mmmmmmornin," I hear Korra's groan before I see her.

She streches and I can feel the movement of her defined muscles against her skin. I couldn't help but reach under the duvet and grab her thigh, earning myself a soft grunt of appreciation.

I smile sweetly through my morning state, having been woken up by Korra's greeting. "Morning yourself." She leans down to peck me on the lips seeing as my heads attached to her chest, the rest of me curled up beside her still.

Again I don't resist the urge to drag my hand up from her stomach to a deliciously perked nipple. What I can't help it if they're so close and inviting.

She groans again and start to get up, the pain in my side not as bad as it had been not so long ago. Korra stays half covered half not by the cream duvet, it pooled around her waist showing only the top half of Korra, but let me tell you, she couldn't have been any more salatious even if she tried. Oh wait she's moved her hands to underneath her head. Okay she could be but still.

I go on a hunt for some decent clothing all the while being watched by the bronze skinned beauty in the bed. I give up and just go for a black and navy flannel with a black tank from her wardrobe. I then leave my bottom half because the tank was more than long enough even if she was a few inches shorter than me.

I finish buttoning the bottom few bttons up leaving the top seeing as I have the tank on and proceed to stare at Korra whilst exiting the room.

Having exited the room I make my way to the kitchen and make myself a brew. A cough interrupts my daydreams of the girl lying in the bed only a few feat away. I spin round to find Senna smiling at me from a stool on the other side of the kitchen counter.

"How....what, when. Wheeeeerrrrr-morning," I finally decide to greet her after recovering slightly from the shock of her sat there.

"Mornin' yourself, and before you get too confused I was 'ere all the while." She gestures to her already made cuppa and smiles sweetly at me. I carry on going abouts my brew making and start a light conversation.

"Where's Tonraq? I thought he'd stayed" I think back to the night before and spin round yet again almost spilling boiling hot water everywhere. "Oh my goddess, I'm so sorry. It was just the surprise and the caught in the act thing, and the fact that it's Korra, don't even get me started on how she was kissing me-" I was cut off by Senna's light chuckling and I look up to see her trying in vain to suppress as much laughter as possible by biting her lip.

"Dear, it's inna your fault. It's no-one's fault. If anything Korra's the one ta blame for knowing we were coming back in the first place and the fact she was basically sucking ya face off." I blush insanely and lower my head from the embarrassment. Senna's accent wasn't as strong as usual, although Tonraq and Korra's are stronger hers is still fairly noticeable.

I reach for the milk and decide a bowl of cereal will do as well. I sit myself down on the only other stool next to Senna and proceed to eat my breakfast.

"I've never known someone so caring before, she's so gentle and kind. I can't believe I have her in my life. But then again she's tiny cute and ooohhh I could just squeeze that face. So cute." Senna laughs at my peculiarity.

"Tha' cheesiness is why," I swear if I don't stop spinning round I'll get whiplash. Stood leaning on the doorframe in all her naked glory was Korra, arms crossed ender her bobs, boxers low on her hips revealing her V-line and toned abdomen.

I look at Senna who just raises an eyebrow at her obviously very self-confident daughter. She saunters over to me, stands behind me and wraps strong arms round my waist resting a chin on my shoulder. Korra whispers, only audible to me, "come back to me room babe, I still have a few ... things ta say." having so eloquently put it she saunters back into her room and closes it leaving me to stare after her toned back and Senna to start full on laughing.

"Oh come on, is she always like this?" I groan before lightly punching Senna's shoulder then wait until she's caught her breath.

"Apparently only around you, she's normally too goofy to do anything like tha'. Just please don't let her do anythin' you two'll regret." I stare at Korra's mum in shock at the fact she'd just suggested the idea, but then again I was thinking what Korra'd be like, writhing underneath me, moaning, eyes full of lust.

I get up to see what Korra had actually planned and make my way across the kitchen counter to her door, silently opening it before looking back to Senna for reassurance. I can't believe Senna, Korra's mum, was sooo accepting? No, no... encouraging yeaaahh, but still not quite. Ah, how she can be so lewd.

I turn back to Korra who is sprawled out on the bed covers bunched around her feet and becking me forward.

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