Awaken young Luke

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I must say waking up outside on the schools car park, coughing up blood was not on my to do list. But feeling Korra at my side made a whole difference. She was running her fingers through my hair, but I don't know if it was subconscious or what but it definitely helped distract me from the immense pain.

I hear a siren above me and then feel Korra carefully tuck her arms under my back and knees. She tried in vain to do it as softly as possible but it still hurt, especially on the left side where her hand was clutching onto my side. I let out a gasp of pain, feeling saddened by the sorrow deep within Korra's eyes.

She somehow clambers over the gate with me in tow and places me on a really, really comfy bed. She didn't take her eyes of me, and she entwined our fingers while the paramedic in the back with us was fiddling with a drip and gas and air.

He handed me the tube and I inhaled a large amount instantly relaxing from the relief it brought. I took a few more deep breaths until the ambulances movement and Korra's hand's warmth lulled me to sleep.

I wake up to a mass of brown hair pooled at my shoulder. I try to sit up without waking the sleeping doodler. Unfortunately that plan went down the drain instantly when Korra reacted and clutched tighter to my hand and lifting her head up.

Her eyes were half lidded from sleepiness and she looked fatigued. She let a smile escape, warming me to my core and squeezed my hand before letting go and sitting up straight.

She got up and offered me a glass of water, I only just realised how thirsty I was until the whole glass had been chugged. Korra chuckled beside me when a light burp erupted from my mouth.

"Excuse me," I blushed and covered my mouth out of politeness. Korra carried on smiling and shook her head in disbelief. Another moment past until she finally spoke.

"How?" Was all I got. I was expecting to be bombarded with questions, I shrug my shoulders before replying.

"Do you mean the injury's, the hair, the collapse or able to be so selfish then you'll have to specify." Korra's smile wavered.

"Non. I found out wha' 'appened to ya through Mako and his mates. What I'd like to know is how you became homeless." I'm confused at first wondering how she knew, but then again it isn't every day that one of the most presentable students in school decides to look like she'd been dragged through a hedge backwards, look malnourished and avoid everyone.

"Erm ... I mean you don't have to answer them, but I'd like to at least know the cause of it?" Korra had rested her elbows on the bed and then rested her chin on her interlaced fingers. I struggle to find an answer so she laces our hands together until I'd found one.

"My father. He kind of um ... I-I ... He found out we were still dating, who through I have no idea." I look into my lap tears threatening to spill and ashamed that it's taken me this long to realise Korra still cares. Oh goddess she's cared for you since day one you idiot, open your eyes for once.

"How long have you been sitting there?" I ask feeling like it's been merely a few minutes after actually getting elbowed in the ribs. On that thought she self-consciously brought a hand to her side to feel bandages there and feeling tender still.

"I wunna do that, an' you've been here for a good few hours now." I look outside grateful to be near a window to see the sun just rising.

"Oh my goddess Korra. We've been here for over a day. Why are you still here why didn't you go home, go to bed you know all that stuff." I couldn't help but let a little jealousy seep into my voice a the thought of having a home.

"Asami, listen to me, I wunna ever abandon you even if it means I lost majority in the process. If I lost you I'd lose everything. I know it sounds cheesy but ya've gotta listen to me in saying I'm not moving an inch. And P.S. if you think I'm gonna let you go back onto the streets then think again." She sneaks her other hand on top of mine and I can't help myself in letting my tears cascade over my cheeks feeling relief in the fact that Korra was there, no she was here with me and making sure I'm here with her.

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