Fall to pieces

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Alice sat quietly in her room, listening to the contrast between the explosiveness of her music and the mellow undertone of the crickets in the rotten mesh of her deserted garden. She wished more than anything that she could have a life like anyone any one else. The only problem was, nobody cared enough to involve her in theirs. She looked though post after post. Her "friends" were all hanging out again, without her. She didn't even know Sam was back from vacation! Rachel has a boyfriend? Nice to see she's included in important conversations... The only friend who really seemed to put any effort into being with her was Isabelle. Her and Bella had been close for a while, and gone through a lot of hardship. Arise used to be a big part of that too...She wished she could see them more often, but she was too busy with extracurriculars.  There was something funny about when they spoke. It's almost like all of her worries just kind of go away. If only she had that kind of support right now...

She hadn't been issued any homework that day to occupy most of her evening, and thoughts, so there she sat. She didn't go anywhere or do anything. She was a nobody. She'd read all of her novels twelve times over, and they'd lost their escaping comfort. She finally fell asleep slowly to the whispers of song, wrapping her in a security blanket of hope.

When she awoke, she was feeling better than ever. Finally ready to face Jeremy and tell him how she's been feeling. Then anxiety set over her. She can't do it. She told Bella she would but something is just pulling at the very fiber of her being as she plunges into the unknown, holding her back. "Oh well, maybe next year," She thought, as she pulled on her favorite sweater and slipped into her converse. Then she looked in the mirror. Why couldn't she be pretty like everyone else? Maybe then...No. Not a chance. The thought escaped her before she had time to elaborate. A single tear struck her face as she watched her reflection. Almost instinctively, she punched the mirror dead center with a livid lash of self loathing. Her hand was bleeding. Blood tricked slowly down her flanges as the window to her own mind, the truth, lay shattered around her.

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