Bad Reputation

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In art Alice, Bri, Addison and Sam talked about college. They talked about life and jobs.

"What is happening to us?" Addison exclaimed abruptly.

"We only have four years of school left.." Alice added.


They continued to talk about life and the conversation came to their friendship after school. Bri, Sam, and Addi thought it would be the coolest thing if them and Jane could go to the same college and be roomies.

"And, Alice could come." Bri added. The others nodded curtly.

"I kind of have plans," why was she pushing them away? Was this all really her fault? She told them of her prepaid college and how she will probably go stay there.

"Oh," Addi surmised, "K. Alice can go there and we can go to-" Alice started blocking it out again. Finish your project. Glue the paper. Make your mosaic.

"I don't know if I want room mates. We could all have apartments next to each other?" Addison suggested.

"Yeah!!" Bri got really excited.

"Hey," Alice came to, "maybe I could get an apartment across the hall." Who's side was she on? She was just like Snape- a drifter.

"Yes!" They all cheered.

The rest of the day faded into lunch. Somehow, they got to the topic of their childhood bathing routine.

"When I was younger," Lucas said blushing, "I didn't like to look at my legs."

They died of laughter.

"So I wore pants- in the shower."

"Hey, when I was one," Alice was trying to make someone feel better by putting her self down again, "I jumped into the coffee table and busted My head open, right? So my dad was trying to clean the wound up but I kicked the bottle of peroxide into my eyes, and in attempt to help, my dad ran my eyes under water. As a one year old, I was under the impression the water was what was scorching my retinas, I mean I didn't understand, I had this irrational fear of water touching my eyes until I was like 8. I wore goggles in the bath!"

Everyone thought it was the funniest thing they'd ever heard.

"When I was young," Jane started,"My dad would be like 'I'm gonna shower!' And my mom would be like 'TAKE JANE WITH YOU!'" That had to be the best.

"I used to think I was the only one who showered naked, so sometimes i'd wear a bathing suit because I wanted to be normal."

"I didn't do that!" Addison added.

"Lakin," Jane started, talking about her younger sister, "okay, when she was little she used to think that too, and so one time at dinner I shouted 'Lakin showers naked!' And she started crying. My parents laughed and laughed but she confessed all embarrassed with tears in her eyes, :its true! I do! I'm a monster!'"

"I used to take baths with my little sister but when I was like six I was like 'No! Mom this haS to stop!'"

"Addison, how was your bathing experience?" Bella added.

"I didn't have an interesting one because I took normal showers like normal people," she said laughing.

"Well, that's boring." Lucas concluded.

"When I was younger, i didn't like to look at my legs," Addison mimicked.

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