Keep holding on

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Alice pushed through the rest of her day with a positive attitude, and found herself once again in homebase.

"It'll be okay." Bella mouthed with encouragement. Alice continued to absorb herself in The Deathly Hallows.

"Alice," it was her ex boyfriend Keith, "I like your jeans."

They were plain black? It came back to her. Over the year following the break-up, Keith had become very dramatically goth, and he liked to show it.

"Thanks. I like your eyeliner.." She was being sarcastic. He looked like a racoon.

He didn't catch it, "Yeah..Lucas?"

Lucas looked up from his own novel, "What now?"

"I. There's...something-"

"What is it Keith I'm trying to read!?" He spat.

"I want you-" He whispered.

Bella choked on the apple she was eating.

"What?!" Lucas demanded.

"Lucas I love you!"

"Since when were you-?!"

"Gay?" Sam turned, intercepting.

"He's not gay!" Alice shot at them, "he dated me!"

"It was all a lie." He said smirking.

"I call bullshit." Bella said laughingly. She turned to alice to start their own conversation, "He's not right?"

"No." Alice laughed. Did she actually believe this?

"Good. He can't have him." She playfully punched her arm.

Right. She likes Lucas.

"Well, are we going to go?" Bella yelled tugging at alice by the sleeve. An hour had passed and her bus was called.

"Right. Sorry." She hurried out to the front walk.

On the bus she sat down with Lucas' big brother Edward, and pulled out her 3Ds.

"Still playing Animal crossing Alice? You should really play some cooler games. I suggest Monster Hunter 4."

"Oh. Okay. Maybe." She knew she couldn't afford new games right now.

"It's quite enticing, I rather enjoy it."

"I'll be sure to check it out..." That was a lie.

She decided she wasn't in the mood for Animal crossing, after all and slipped on her headphones instead. She would drown out Edward and his ridicule. At least for this ride.

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