Sk8er Boi

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"Lucas is calling.."

"Oh, see you later?" He asked hopefully.

'Give me a sec skyping Jeremy' Alice sent quickly.

"Hey, um, want to walk around with me at apple butter?"

'Sure I can wait'

"Yeah! That would be rad. Where do you want to meet Alice?"

"Uh, the courthouse, maybe?"


"Well the parade ends at about ten-thirty, and i'm in it so..." Bashfully, she trailed off.

"I'll be there at ten-thirty."

"See ya'!" Alice was so happy. It was finally going to work our for her.

So she rerang Lucas, "You called?"

"Yeah. I asked my mom if I could walk with you, and she said it's fine, yo."

"Woo!" She cheered, caught up in the moment. She forgot Jeremy, entirely. They talked about it for hours, until finally Lucas trailed off sluggishly and the line went dead. Arise wanted to come too, because Lucas was bringing Edward.

"Ugh! Arise, it's not about him!"

She couldn't help but roll her eyes, sure it isn't.

"I just want to hang with you!" She pleaded.

"Fine, one day! I'll let you have your day."

They met up, as arranged, Arise, Alice, Lucas, and Edward. The quartet reunited with the most monstrous of group hugs.

"So, where to?" Alice shouted excitedly, her lip quivering in the brisk October wind.

"Actually, Alice, it's kind of cold. You guys want to go get some coffee in that café?" They all agreed, but once inside, the chill gone from persuasion, they quickly took after a more admirable side of the menu.


"Greenmint chip!" Edward rang joyously.

"Strawberry!" Chimed Arise.

"Greenmint chip is my favorite!" Alice concluded, receiving a high-five from Edward, and a scowl from Arise.


Lucas received the most ridicule for his excruciatingly plain choice, "Vanilla please."

When they made their way to the booths, only to find them all full, they redirected toward the small selection of dining tables with tall copper legs.

"Ah, damnit. They're only two chairs to a table," Arise said.

"It's fine," said Alice gently ushering her down at the table seating Edward while making her way over to a separate, with Lucas.

After an hour or so of small talk over creamy malts, Arise shoured, "Group photo!" And everyone gathered around.

The only picture they've ever taken together.

"Nice. Let me get one." Alice said with envy.

The second.

"Mom would like to see one," lucas added.

The third and final.

They walked around for another hour, checking out various things, laughing, having a good time..when it hit her.

"Oh shit," Alice stopped dead sentence.

"What is it?" The others inquired.


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