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They walked into the gym and the air had a weird stiffness to it. She sat down and waited while the two talked about god knows what- she forgot to listen, while they waited for Addison to show up. When she finally did, all she wanted to talk about was some boy Conner and how he broke up with Gretchen. At least, that's what she thought she heard. She wasn't really paying attention, her mind was somewhere else. She layed back and closed her eyes while she waited for her two real friends to show up.


"What?! Oh my gosh!" She jolted backward. She had fallen asleep on Jeremy's shoulder. He was blushing intensely, she had to admit he looked like a plump little tomato.

"It's fine. I didn't really notice at first, actually." How did he not notice? Was she that invisible? She hoped he was just trying to be nice.

"Speaking of the devil," she said in a mocking tone as her eyes met both Bella's and Arise's at once.



"What was that?" Arise inquired as she looked back at Jeremy from across the gym.

"What are you talking about?"

"Yeah he was totally looking at you weird."

"No, no. You see, i- "

"Oooooh--" the two clapped the way girls do.

"No! It's not like that!" Unfortunately.

"So what are you guys doing for Apple Butter this weekend?" Arise said as she bit into her bagel.

"Ah, i'm actually going with Lucas.." Alice replied quietly.

"Oh..?" Bella turned to face her. Her cold stare cut through you like hot daggers.

"Yeah. I mean, it's not a date or anything-" Alice testified.

"No, even if I was, that's none of my buiss-"



"I'm not lying. There's nothing going on. I swear." There isn't. Right?

"I'm probably just gonna..stay..home." Arise cut in.

"Yeah me too. Have fun with Lucas." Bella said as she picked up her tray and scraped. Alice sat there surrounded by a sea of surging humanity. Alone, and feeling like a bitch.

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