Losing Grip

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Alice felt really good after English. Her positive energy was through the roof. She started to see things a different way.

"Alice your collage looks Amazing."

"Thanks, yours too Addi."


"Alice, you look cute."

"Sssssss, okyyy--"

At the end of Spanish Señora held her, Bri, Lucas, and Bella behind.

"None of you ever ask how i'm doing. I talk to you and talk to you and you don't ask how my weenie dog is, you didn't know I was homecoming queen-" they exchanged confused glances, "that i'm allergic to cats, anything. I know everything about you. Selfish, selfish."

"Señora," Bella spoke up, "how's you weenie dog?"

"He's been getting my entering room awful muddy- He's a long haired one, and I let him out in all this rain. Woo. What a little stinker," she laughed.

"Señora," Alice mustered up all the courage she could and asked her about her weekend. They talked about all sorts of things. It seemed like an hour passed. They were much closer, she needed that.

Later in science Keith approached her as she was Leaving.

"Alice," he drew in very close.

"Hm?" Her breaths were short and heavy, he smelled really good.

"You're wearing eyeliner," he looked into her eyes.

"I wear eyeliner everyday."

"Yeah, but it's different."

"Oh, yeah. I was crying earlier. It must have smudge up-" she went to wipe it away, he stopped her hand gently.

"It looks good."


"It looks pretty bad ass."

"Oh, thanks." She was blushing. She could just kiss him-

She pulled away quickly and ran to math.


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