Give you what you like

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After that, the day dragged. All alice could think about was the way Will made her feel- special. Safe.

"I seriously got some vibes from him," alice told bella over tacos.

"Yeah, i saw it too. The way he looked at you-"

"His eyes! The prettiest green i've ever seen. I didnt know eyes came in that shade."

"Jeremy's are kind of greenish."

Alice glared at her, "He was just... so nice."

"Oooh. You like him!"

"Do not!" Now she was the one to look like a little tomato.

"Mhm," Lucas added unnecessarily.

"Get out!"

Finally, they were in math.

"Jeremy always asks me like really redundant questions and then when i answer, he's like 'i know.'" Addison confided during the lesson.

"Yeah, same." Alice agreed.

"Well, people always ask me these dumb questions and then sound like an idiot, " Lucas butt in, "like you, alice."

Alice couldn't hold it anymore, she tossed her book lightly and it hit his face, "Always wanted to do that."

In retaliation, he hurled the same book as hard as he could at her neck. She gagged, and fell backward.

"Okay, what the fuck?" Addison yelled.

There was a nonchalant substitute today, unfortunately.

"How the fuck dare you? You son of a bitch!" Lucas shouted at Alice.

"Whoa! Stop being so aggressive!" She shot back. Jeremy only laughed.

"Yeah what's your problem?" Addison called at him, but in response, he threw a text book at alice. This time, he missed and it hit the floor. She pushed his agenda off the table. He shoved her entire binder off the table, and pencils spilled everywhere. Finally, Mr.Hoarmen caught a glance at that, and he had to finish the assignment at his desk.

Alice felt like crying. Her and Jeremy argued about pennies for the continuation of the period.

When they got into evening homebase, Alice remembered the blade.

"Please give it back?!" Lisa pleaded.

"No." He slid it further into his pocket, probably piercing his thigh.

"I say keep it." They turned to alice. She lost track of the conversation after that, she was too absorbed in her book, and her thoughts. In and out he heard Kevin trying to make her feel better, "You don't need it."

When they were dismissed, Lucas started arguing with Alice again.

"I wish I still had Lisa's razorblade right now," he said as he broke his sunglasses over her arm.

The plastic stung, but she ignored it,"What do you mean still?"

"I gave it back," he sounded so casual.

"You, WHAT?"

"She kept asking me, so I made her promise not to use it for selfharming, and only as a weapon against others, then i just...gave it back."

"You're an idiot."

"What the heck?" He pathetically stabbed at her forearm with the shades.

"She lied to you."

"How do you know?"

"I know how she thinks, of course she did. And you just gave it back, didn't you see the scars?"

"She's only supposed to hurt others."

"Don't you get it? She wont listen to you!"

"Whatever," it was like he didnt even care, "it's freaking messed up." She wanted to slap him, but instead she cried.

"Why do you always fight me? i don't even know why we're still "friends," anymore."

He sneered, "me either."

It felt like the world had just exploded, "but what did i even do to you!?"


"Then why do you hate me?" She didn't deserve this.

"Because you're annoying so i take out my anger on you."

She thought, 'You mean cause me years of emotional distress, push me to the brink of suicide because i feel like everyone hates me, traumatize me from ever speaking out in any social situation, while still you hurt me physically and mentally scar me, all because you're frustrated? You're so abusive!'
But all she could make out was, "oh. My. god."

AliceTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang