My Happy Ending

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"Alice?" He said slipping off his headphones.

"Yeah, hi," this was more awkward than she expected. She took a seat next to him. He only looked at her, both said nothing for the longest time, but he never unpaused his music.

"I really like you, Will."

"Oh," he smiled, but you could tell it was unexpected.

"What is it?"

"I just thought, you and Jeremy-"

"Oh that," She laughed to cover up the hurt inside, "No."

"Oh," this time he sounded more hopeful, "Well, Alice," he touched her hand, "I was trying to think of how to say the same to you."

She blushed, "really?"


"You know, I just can't get over how green your eyes are-" this time she laughed for real.

"Blue is better, in my opinion," he smiled and looked into her eyes. They were a faded navy, like those awkward pair of denim jeans that you've had for five years but never worn.

His fingers closed in around hers, like Jeremy had once done, but she didn't object.

"You've sat with me everyday, and we haven't spoken once," she started.

"Well, I particularly liked the story about your punk-ass dad and the poetry scandal-" he said laughingly.

"Oh, i could see it in your face. And the time Ms.Joyce's old boyfriend stole my GameCube?"


"Also, I hear you like minecraft?"

"Love it."

"Me too!"

"Well, i never would have guessed," he joked, looking down at her Creeper shirt.

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