How you remind me

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When they made their way into homebase, there was a character flirting with lucas that they hadn't seen in a while. Lisa. A few months previously, Lisa was diagnosed with cancer. She was in and out of school for chemo. Her hair was thinning but her romantic ambition seemed to be doing just the opposite, and Bella absolutely hated it.

"Why is she wearing his jacket?!"

"Bella calm down."

"No! She's gotten closer than I ever will."

"Wrong," She cracked a weak smile.

"Dont you remember what you just told me?"

"Ugh. I know," Alice felt pathetic.

Bella was oblivious to the conversation echoing in the background, Alice listened with fear.

"Lisa!" Lucas cried pulling on something in the pocket of her bookbag.

"Lucas, no!" She was trying to push him away, but he was just too strong.

"Lisa," he got it out, "why do you have a razorblade?"

"Lucas," she tried to swipe it.

"Lisa..." He pulled away, and it was out of reach, "dont hurt yourself."

"I wont! Its not for that." She was lying, Alice heard that before.

"What is it for then?" Lucas justified.

"I just," she started to cry. Alice wanted so much to hug her, but she couldn't interrupt. She couldn't make her feel even worse.

"Lisa, I can't give this back to you," he said slipping it into his own bookbag.

Alice shed a tear of happiness. 'Please don't give it back...'

Throughout the day, Alice felt no less than gracious toward Lucas, but she didn't know how to show it. In English, they were playing a game, similar to the one on the show Password,* with Mr.Monez.**

Alice, bella, lucas, Will, and Jessica were on a team. Will was quiet and never talked to anyone, but he had the prettiest green eyes, Alice noticed.

Jessica, the princess, cheated and slipped off into another team, "Good riddance!" They cheered. Why did mr.monez pick the teams? Alice and Nate were always up.

"Art," sam said vaguely to Addison.

"Um, um, painting?"

"No," boomed Maryln.

Will was up, his stance seemed like he was nervous. The first word he'd sais to her in a while, and boy was it cute, "Arm."

"Uh, art. arm. STATUE?"

"Oh, good guess Alice! No." Maryln chuckled.

"Pain." Kirstyn continued.

"Tattoo?!" Shouted Ashley hopefully.

"Yes!" Maryln shouted, "round one, 8pts to team three."

"Good try," will punched her arm playfully, "i was trying to go for arm-art."

"Oh. My. gosh." She started laughing, "i should have gotten that one!"

"Yeah you freakin' idiot." Lucas pushed her books off he desk, "i hate you."

"What is wrong with you?" Bella exclaimed.

"She made us lose."

"We won every other time, though." Alice said defensively.

"Yeah," Will cut in, helping Alice gather her rhingss "we still won."

"I dont care," Lucas said, pulling bella up with him.

"What a dick," Addison added from the corner

*you have a row of people, and in front of them is another row. The second row goes and gets a word from the judges, they then come back and take turns saying one word in rotation to their partners and the partner has to guess for 10pts. If they get it wrong, it rotates to the next person in line, the person says a word, they have to guess for 9pts, and so on.
**He comes to play smart games with the ap class on thursdays

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