I will be

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They stepped into the hall and Alice wiped her tear away with the sleeve of her hoodie. She wore a mask of smiles to hide how she was feeling inside.

Bella went off to health, as Alice stepped into the large, open art room. She slumped down onto her stool at the table with Addison, Sam, and Bri as usual. Jeremy was at the next table over. She flushed. Bri rolled her eyes. She was never one for feelings. The last time she showed emotion Lucas took advantage of it, and crushed her for amusement. To this day, they still don't speak of it.

"What was the bellringer* yesterday, Alice?"

She sighed, was she just some tool waiting to be used? "The lines are thin and curved. The colors are neutral and warm. The shapes are geometric, the form is a person. The texture is smooth."

*In my school, we so bellringers to start classes. In math it's math related questions. In art its talking about an art piece, in English its literature analysis..ect.

"K. Thanks." Addison turned away and continued gossiping with Bri.

"Your collage is really coming together Sam."

"Nah its not as good as yours-"

Alice flushed, but then Addison cut in, "What are you talking about Sam? Yours is way better!"

Alice tuned everyone out. She had to get this finished. They've been working on this project for weeks.

Little bits of conversations flashed in and out,
"I wish I could follow my grunge 90s' kid athstetic, but I'm just too poor.." The others nodded sympathetically. Alice felt like shed been punched in the gut. Brianna was rich. She had a large house, a giant pool, and everything she could possibly want. Alice wore the same pair of jeans everyday. She was glad no one noticed.

She wished she could be like these people she hung out with. Maybe then they'd like her.

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