trouble makers

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"This isn't a very good idea guys, can't we think of something else to do? I don't want to get in trouble."I stood their grasping a brand new bottle of black spray paint standing next to 5 of my best friends staring at our math teachers house.

"Quit being a little baby Morgan and let's just do this." My friend Jordan harshly said before he sprinted towards the house shaking the can he had in his hand simultaneously.

"Nothing to worry about you know. You know no ones home. No one will know we did it." Taylor said assuring me before repeating Jordan's actions. The other three, Ethan, Ares, and Kate then followed behind her without thinking of all the things that could possibly go wrong, leaving me behind.

I was the only one in our group that thought things out, the only one who was afraid to do things. We were considered the 'druggies' or 'trouble makers' or 'bad asses' in school. I wanted to walk away right now but I know if I do they would do nothing but make fun of me the next time I see them.

Ares was the one to talk me into trying to marijuana, then shortly after that I became addicted. Kate got me to start partying with her. I'm only 15 yet I've already been to jail multiple times for multiple things.

I then snapped back to reality when I herd a window break. I snapped my head up to see Jordan climbing into the broken window, motioning everyone else to follow him into the house.

"Are you crazy Jordan? We were vandalising not breaking and entering!" At least Ethan has somewhat of a chill.

"Shut up and let's go." Jordan argued with him. Then entered all the way into the house. Ares, Kate, and Taylor then followed behind him without saying a word or arguing with him at all. I still stood at the front of the yard scared out of my mind that we are going to get caught.

Ethan looked at me and showed me with his eyes that he did not approve of this. I can't believe I am here right now, breaking and entering and vandalising one of my teachers houses.

"Hurry up you guys, quit being little chickens." Jordan leaned out of the window to mock me and Ethan into coming in. Ethan finally gave in and climbed into the window then looking back and waiting for me to come. So of course I started to drag my feet to in front of the window where the shattered glass laid.

I glanced in to check out the medium sized living room that my friends were currently exploring.

"Just get in before someone could drive by and see you." Kate warned me. I then, without thinking, climbed into the dark house.

"Can we hurry this up and leave? We're going to get caught." I stood there shaking and not moving while everyone else looked as if they didn't even care about their actions.

"Mr Achers even said in class that he's on vacation with his wife for the next week so we will be fine" Taylor reminded me.

"I still don't think this is a good idea. He could have video cameras or something." I tried to tell them all the possible things that could go wrong.

"Who has video cameras in their house? Quit being crazy and just let lose." Taylor responded to me. Every time one of them would tell me to let lose something bad would happen, but I'm already in here, why not do some damage? If we get caught I'm already going to get in as much trouble if I did do something.

I shook the spray can before ripping the lid off and spraying some family portraits in the hallway while Kate used her white spray paint to damage the new looking TV in his living room. I then noticed the kitchen and thought of all possible things I could do.

I ran into the kitchen and dropped my spray can not caring how or where it lands. I opened some cabinets before tearing them off and throwing them across the kitchen. I opened the fridge opened a few things and dumped it all over the ground in the kitchen then Jordan helped me knock over the whole thing, crushing the island across from it.

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