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"Just, god damn it." I slammed my hands down dramatically down on my lunch table I was sitting at. "Tell me next time when they do this. All of you guys need to stop assuming shit and stop believing the bull shit they feed you." I ranted to Ethan and Taylor who were sitting across from me.

"I'm sorry." Taylor apologized to me.

"It's fine, sorry for over reacting." I shook my head and began to eat the school lunch. "So what went down with your parents when they picked you up Friday?" I asked Taylor.

"They just said they aren't surprised and that I'm a problem child." She smiled at that like she was proud of it.

"You aren't grounded or have any sort of punishment?" Ethan asked her.

"Nope, my parents stopped caring about me and what I do once Lily passed away." She looked a little depressed after saying that. Lily is or was her big sister who got into a drunk driver accident after a party one night two years ago. Taylor is a lot like Lily, partying and drinking and all that sort of stuff.

"Don't they want better for you? You know, get you to change your ways so the same thing that happened with Lily doesn't happen with you?" I asked her.

"Doubt it, they couldn't give two shits about me. I'm just there until I graduate then I'm forced to leave. It kinda scares me to think I won't have a relationship with my parents after high school but it's just what I have to live with." She told me. She finished her food then stood up and then I stood up too. We walked with each other to the trash and threw away our stuff. We walked back to the table and continued to talk about whatever.

"So who's the guy Jordan and Kate mistaken as your boyfriend?" Taylor asked.

"Fuck boy Kian Lawley." Ethan butted in.

"Why would they mistake him for your boyfriend?" She asked confused.

"He's my babysitter. Was for the weekend." I told her.

"Shut up, a guy just a year older than you wouldn't be your babysitter." She rolled her eyes about that. Ethan leaned in to hear my explanation about it.

"My mom thought it would be a good idea to get him to be my babysitter sense he has good grades and is a goody good and stuff. I dont know, my mom isn't smart."

"That's so weird. But don't get into a relationship with him. He'd do nothing but break your heart, that's a promise." She warned me.

"I know Ethan already told me. How do you guys know so much about him? How do you know he's a fuck boy?" I asked.

"Lily dated him in Freshman year. About a month before the crash." She told me.

"My friend Carly dated him. He's no good." Ethan told me how he knew Kian.

"I didn't know this. You guys are right, I'm not going to get in with him." I nodded at them. We all got up and Taylor and I went on to the fifth period which we shared.

"Why would Kate and Jordan lie about that though?" Taylor asked me.

"Kian kinda decked Jordan because he was calling me a bunch of names Kian wasn't okay with and wouldn't shut his trap." I told her honestly.

"Then it was his fault." Taylor slightly chuckled.

"Exactly, most things are his fault. I wish he would just stop with all of this. I don't even know what Kate's problem is to be honest." I started to get a headache from being so frustrated. I took a deep breath as I stepped into our class.

. . . .

"Where are the kids?" I walked into my living room and asked Kian.

"My dad picked them up from school." He threw his keys to the kitchen table then sat down on the couch. "But hey, I have a question for you." He told me.

"What is it?" I walked into the kitchen searching for some junk food in the cabinet.

"How would a date with me sound? This Friday?"

"Oh.." I leaned around the corner of the kitchen to look at him. What am I suppose to do? What about what Taylor and Ethan said? "I mean, I might be busy." I tried to lie my way out.

"If you don't want to come on the date just say no." He sounded more grumpy.

"No no no, I do. I totally do." I tried to cheer him up.

"So you'll go on a date with me Friday?"

"Kiaan" I wined. He chuckled as he worked ways to get me to say yes. "I guess so." I shrugged my shoulders. "But where?"

"Well what's your dream date?" He asked me.

"See here's the thing, I don't think I should just straight up tell you. I think I should like make you figure that out by yourself." I sat down on the other couch and put my elbows on my knees and leaned forward.

"Don't make me." He rolled his head to looked me.

"Sorry bud. Just how it goes." I laughed at the face he made.

"I'll just ask Taylor. She'll tell me, won't she?" He tried to clarify. Hearing her name made me stomach turn for some reason. I guess just because I going against my promise I made her.

"Uh no. No she won't." I stared at the wall behind him as I began to feel guilty.

"Is everything okay? You look scared?" He asked me. I shook my head yes and put a fake smile on my face. He ignored it and went on to think of places he could take me on our first date.

"How about that one tea store?" He asked me.

"Yeah, that sounds amazing!" I said with glee. Honestly it would be really cool to go to that place. It's set up like a little tea party but it's a actually restaurant and I've been wanting to go there but I just haven't found someone to go with.

"Then there it is, first date is set." He looked back over to me and gave a huge grin.

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