declaration of war

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I laid down on the couch and sighed out as I was exhausted from the eventful day that just started.

"Do you guys want to do something?" My mom asked Kian and I who were both lazily laying on the couch.

"I'm so pooped mom, I'd rather not." I honestly told her as Kian nodded his head in agreement.

"I'm going to visit Kian's mom if you guys want to come with me?" She offered us expecting Kian to jump at the opportunity.

"We visited her this morning and I'm tired." Kian told her.

"Oh fine, lazy bums." My mom walked by me and smacked my butt that was sticking in the air from behind the couch. "I'm out, have fun." She waved her hand around to wave goodbye. The keys in her hands clanged together as she waved them around.

She walked out of the door and Kian and I continued to lay there lazily. We don't have a plan for the rest of today so I'm sure we will come up with some stupid idea just to pass time.

"Do you have any nurf guns?" Kian asked me with all his limbs spread out all over the opposite couch of the one I'm on.

"Do you have an off switch?" I made the gibe comment as I was in the same position as him.

"Do you for real have any?" He flipped over and landed on the ground in front of the couch he was just on and looked at me.

"There's probably like four in my room." He flipped off the couch too and looked at him. He got up and headed to my room as I followed after him. He walked in and immediately saw a box of nurf guns and bullets in a plastic tub next to my closet.

"Why so many?" He asked me as he headed to the box, kneeled down in front of it and looked threw it.

"When my mom doesn't listen to me I tend to shoot her until she does, it works every time. Either that or she'll take it from me and shoot me with it." I told him.

"I declare war" He stood up and held a gun handle towards me.

"Why?" I smiled at him and took the handle of the gun.

"I'm sick of your country whining because my country is better." He took the notebook of paper and wrote that exact sentence down and set the rest of the paper up as if it was a real declaration of war. "You sign there." He pointed to a spot that says 'Country Two Signature'. I signed then he pointed to a blank spot. "Sign there." He repeated. "And there" He point to another black spot after I was done signing the other place.

"Why did I have to sign the other two place?" I asked.

"Because in the Cat In The Hat they made him sign a bunch of random places so I thought to make you do that." He explained to me.

"Well, wars on. Go recruit some men." I ordered him. He grabbed a big Winnie The Pooh bear off my bed and stormed out to the living room to set up his fort. I grabbed a over sized dog stuffed animal and followed after him.

He tore the couch cushions off and made a little fort as I took the cushions off the other one and made an identical looking fort as his. I set my phone up on the speaker in the kitchen so we could listen to music as we have the nurf war. Kian ducked down into his fort and assumed his position before I get down and do the same.

"You ready?" He asked from behind his fort.

"Ready." I told him as he shots the first bullet towards me. It hit the front of my fort as I was ducked down, it didn't even come close. I popped up from my fort and kept everything but the middle of my chest and up behind the fort. I shot at him and hit him right in the arm. He pulled his arm back and ducked under his fort so I popped up and walked out in front of my fort.

I walked up to his fort and leaned over. He had his gun ready and shot me directly in the face. I dramatically fell back as if I actually was shot by a real bullet. I held my face and faked yelled in pain.

"I'm shot! You shot me! This is the end as I know it." I continued to hold my face. "I'm almost dead. I feel my death coming on. Oh no. I think I'm dead now." Kian got up from behind his fort and walked up next to me.

"Are you dead?" He asked.

"Yup, you killed me." I dropped my hands from my face and spread my arms out next to me.

"So do you surrender?"

"Do I have a choice? I'm dead." I stated.

"I win." He smiled at me and planted a kiss on my lips. Right then Kian phone started ringing obnoxiously on the book shelf on the side. He ran to it and picked it up. He rolled his eyes before slide his thumb over to answer the call.

"Hello?.... No, she's in the hospital.... car crash... no it's your week so you take him... so?.... dad, no.... I'm not even staying at the house when she's in the hospital.... fine drop him off... I'll text you the address... bye... okay bye" He threw his phone down on the couch and rubbed his eyes in frustration.

"Who was that?" I asked him.

"My dad, he's dropping my little brother and sister off." He picked up his phone and I'm assuming is texting his dad my address.

"Why?" I asked him another question.

"Because he has a party with some friends and can't take them and he said he's not gonna miss the party so he didn't really give me a choice."

"How old are they?" I continued to shower him with questions.

"My little sister is 3 and my brother is 5." He informed me.

"What are their names?" I asked.

"My sister is Cody and my brother is Noah."

"Well I can't wait to meet them." I enthusiastically said even though I will miss the alone time with Kian.

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