game night

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"You can leave now." Kian bluntly said to his dad who was at the front door after he dropped the two kids off.

"Okay, bye love you all." He waved goodbye to his three kids as he backed out and the two little ones said they love him back but Kian just stands there with a disgusted look on his face.

"Hi bubbie!" Cody held her arms out to Kian and he picked her up and kissed her cheek.

"I missed you baby." He smiled at her and she dug her small face into his shoulders.

"So what do you guys want to do?" I asked more in a perky voice so Kian knew I was directing the question more to the little kids.

"Want to play a board game?" Kian offered.

"Yeah!" The two little kids said simultaneously. I opened the cabinet that was in the dinning room.

"What game?" I asked them.

"Sorry!" Noah screamed excitedly.

"All right." I searched my cabinet for it then yanked it out and set it on the table.

"I want to be red." Cody informed us all as she took the red pieces.

"Blue." Noah took all the blue pieces.

"Then I'll be yellow." I said.

"Guess I don't have a choice then." Kian grabbed the green pieces and we started the game.

. . . .

I was currently sitting on the couch reading a book as Kian was playing with Noah over on the side and Cody was fast asleep in my bed. My mom was upstairs in her room, probably asleep also.

It was later at night I thought it would be wise to head up to bed sense school is tomorrow. I placed the small bookmark into the book, closed it and set it off to the side. I got up and started off to my room.

"Goodnight guys." I waved to Noah and Kian as I opened my door and entered my room. Cody was spread over my big bed so I had to place her to one side so I would have a place to lay.

I turned off my lights then laid down in my bed as little snores came from the three year old next to me. I stroked her head a few times before comfortably curling up. After just a few minutes my eyes got heavy and the next thing I knew I was fast asleep.

. . .

I felt someone vigorously shake my arm. It was early in the morning and I wasn't ready to get up. I opened one eye and looked up to Kian rubbing his eyes. I sat up and looked over at Cody who had her mouth slightly opened, snoring away. I giggled at how cute she looked then got up and headed to my closet.

Kian already exited my room so I threw on some jeans an a graphic shirt of The Hulk, not really caring about how horrible or tacky I looked. I headed out of my room after brushing my hair.

"You get changed pretty quickly, good morning beautiful." Kian held his arms out for me to walk into. I gave him a quick hug then went to the bathroom to finish everything I had to do. I walked back out to see Kian swinging his keys at the front door. "Ready?" He asked. I nodded and grabbed my book bag.

We walked to his car and drove off.

. . .

Kian and I split ways to start our days at school. I walked to my locker, spun the lock around and opened it.

"What's up, sleeping beauty." Ethan messed up my already messy hair then leaned against the locker next to mine.

"Hey." I said, not very enthusiastically.

"So what's with this new boyfriend?" He asked me bluntly.

"Don't have one." I emptied my book bag with the text books I didn't need during the beginning of the day.

"Jordan and Kate said you did.." He said confused.

"Jordan and Kate say a lot of things, they're full of shit." I said angrily.

"Okay okay, no need to get angry. I'm sorry" I held his arms out and and I gave him a quick hug then we started to head to class. His first period was right next to mine so we've always walked to our first period together sense the first day of school. "So how did your mom react to the whole thing on Friday?" He asked me.

"She got me a babysitter thinking he would influence me or something dumb like that. That's who Jordan and Kate saw me with." I filled him in on what's been happening. "How did you parent deal with it?" I returned his question.

"I'm grounded. They said one more slip up and they're sending me off."

"Haven't they said that for the past like 3 times?"

"Yeah, they're to chicken to actually do it. They would probably miss me to much." I chuckled at the situation. "So who's your babysitter?" He asked me.

"Kian Lawley." I told him and he looked utterly shocked.

"Fuck boy Kian Lawley? The Junior?" He asked me.

"I dont know him that well. The first time I herd of him was Saturday night when we was in my house."

"You better not have a thing with him or I swear to god Morg-"

"What would you do?" I cut him off.

"I don't know." I shrugged his shoulders as we walked into our first periods hallway.

"Exactly, don't worry it'll be fine. We don't have a thing." I chuckled at his small freak out.

"All right. Well I'll see you at lunch. Peace out." He threw up the peace sign then entered the room as I stepped into my first period. I walked to my assigned seat and sat down.

"Well good morning Morgan." Bradley, or Brad, said to me once I sat down. Brad has had a crush on me sense elementary school and he doesn't lack on showing it.

"Not the time Bradley." I tapped my pencil on the desk with impatience. "Not the time." I repeated.

"I just wanted to talk to you." He leaned forward and looked at me.

"Have you kissed the teachers ass yet today? Maybe you should do that before talking to me." I made the harsh gibe commented and didn't feel bad about it at all. He is the teachers pet.

"What's the problem Morgan? Do you want to talk about it?" He tried to council me, still not understanding I didn't want to talk.

"God damn it Brad, shut up." I started to get louder.

"Okay, okay." He held his hands up in surrender then smiled at me. He made me so anger and annoyed everyday and never understands I don't like talking to him and that he annoys me.

"She's in a pissy mood with you because she has a boyfriend." Ares leaned into our finished conversation. I could see the expression on Brads face change extremely quickly.

"Shut up, no I don't. Let me guess. You herd that from Kate and Jordan?" I asked him. He nodded his head and let out a quiet chuckle. "Well that's not true, tell them to shut up too." I got loud with him as I became more frustrated. The bell rang and scared me half to death.

The whole class stood up and said the pledge as I recognized that this day was going to be extremely stressful.

Babysitter Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora