so done

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My mom stomped into the station with pure anger in her eyes. Her eyes fixed straight on me the second she got in there.

"Morgan Mary, you are so done. You're grounded, whatever you did, you're grounded." She pointed her scrawny finger at me as she furiously talked to me.

"I can tell you what she did, or what her excellent friends and her did. They broke into a man named Mr Achers house and vandalised it." The cop informed her.

"You have got to be kidding me." She rolled her eyes and walked in one small circle to clearly express her dismay.

"I love you mom." That is always the first thing I say to her once she finds out about all the criminal activity I partaken in to get me in this horrendous building.

"Have you scheduled a court time yet?" She went threw her usual routine that she does when she comes to pick me up from here.

"No because the victims in the crime have yet to know about the incident because they're on vacation and won't answer their phones. Once they come back and want to press charges then we will call you back and schedule one." The officer answered her question.

"Okay, I am sorry about all of this." She shook his hand because putting her arm around me and aggressively dragging me to the car to began the speech on how I need new friends, how this just isn't me, how she is getting so sick of this, everything she can possible think of. She tells me the same things every time.     

We got into the car with complete silence and she started the car, gripping the wheel extra hard because of her current state of anger. After sitting there for a few awkward second she began to take off. I then realized she isn't going to give me the usual speech.

"No, 'Oh Morgan you are a better person then that' or 'You need to get better friends'?" I asked her confused on why she is skipping that part of the routine.

"I tell you that every time, you don't listen to I don't bother give it this time. I'm just done now. Completely and totally done with you acting like this. I've ran out of patience with you. I'm getting you a baby sitter." She replied with almost no emotion.

"Excuse me? A baby sitter? Really?" I was just making sure I didn't hear her wrong.

"Yeah, I'm not wasting away my life to watch my problem child of a 15 year old to make sure she doesn't sneak out and wined up in a police station at almost one in the morning. Instead of going to pay someone to do it for me, hopefully they will be better at it though." I rolled my eyes at her choice of punishment this time around.

"Is it some old fat lady that's about to kick the bucket or something?"

"Actually no, one of my friends sons are looking for a job. He is your age or maybe older, I can't remember. He gets straight A's and has never gotten into trouble so maybe he will inspire you." She's giving another fifthteen year old loser a job to watch me? I bet i can get away with a lot of stuff though. Just think about it, he will be to busy playing Legends of Zelda or Pokemon or something like that and i could sneak a few friends in. I guess this wouldn't be that bad.

"Sounds fun, when is he coming?" I surprised her by my sudden change in attitude.

"Tomorrow. His mom and I are going out to a wedding for one of our friends." She informed me as i started to mentally plan tomorrow night. I giggled to myself as i came up with a pretty clever plan.

"You better not try anything." My mom warned me.

. . . . . . . . . .

"Welcome to our home Kian, the kitchen is that way. Help yourself to anything. Right here is the living room. Have fun and make sure to keep a close eye on Morgan please." My mom introduced the new babysitter to our house right outside my closed bedroom door. I kinda wanna go and see what this nerd looks like but i was to lazy to get up and meet him.

I turned up my music and ignored every sound outside of my bedroom walls. I heard my mom slam the front door seconds later indicating she has left to get shit faced for the night. Right then my door practically flew open to show a tall attractive looking teenager. I turned my music down so i could talk to him easier.

"Are you lost?" I asked somewhat harshly on accident.

"Well I'm your babysitter for the night and i need to check on you, you're Morgan right?" He asked.

"You arent my babysitter." I laughed at him.

"Yeah I am, I'm Kian." He slowly walked to me holding out his big hand for me to shake.

"Where is your Pokemon cards with the braces and nerd glasses?" I asked still confused.

"Left those at home tonight." He sarcastically joked back.

"What grade are you in?" I asked him ignoring his comment.

"I'm a Junior, what about you?" He returned the question.


"Well I don't want to just sit here all night, I'm assuming you don't either?" He asked as he looked around my dresser that was covered in spilled makeup.

"What is there to do? Could you drive?" He shook his head slightly.

"Yes but I don't have a car with me. There is stuff to do here though isn't there?" He asked me.

"Let's go out in the living room and watch a movie or something." I suggested to him.

"Will do buckaroo." He patted his leg and got off my bed, grabbing the big blanket that I just had on me and carried it out into the living room after shutting the music off.

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