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Once taking over an hour to clean up the gigantic mess and eating the pizza whole I became very hyped up randomly.

"Let's go some where!" I wined to Kian and I sat upside down on the couch.

"I have no car." He grumpily said as he scrolled threw the channels on the TV, trying to find something interesting to watch.

"Then we will walk some where." I suggested.

"Like where?" He chuckled, I'm assuming because he thinks my idea is ridiculous.

"I have a woods in my back yard, we can go explore in there." I looked threw the back glass door out to the big woods. I bet I sound like a little kid complaining they're bored in Kian's eyes. Kian sighed as he recognised there was no better idea to do, considering our choices.

"Fine." He turned the TV off as he slid is black vans on his large feet and got up. He stood above me and watched me put my shoes on also.

"Follow me fam." He leaped up and practically ran to the back door as Kian slowly followed behind.

"Chill out." Kian commanded. I ignored him and continued to jump around, acting as if I just drank massive amounts of Mt Dew.

I ran to the small woods that I have never been in before and stopped right before entering and stood there waiting for Kian to catch up. Kian took his sweet time as I impatiently stood there.

"Come onnn!" I wined and swung my arms around in circles like a little kid waiting on their parents to walk into Chucky Cheeses. Kian walked past me and straight into the woods. We walked around for a few minutes until we came across a small lake. It's wasn't really a lake actually, more of a small pond.

Kian looked over at me with a cheeky grin and then looked back at the pond as I could tell he was making a plan. At this time it's already fairly cold considering its late March in Illinois, right after all body's of water has just thawed out from ice.

"Let's walk on." I pointed down the open trail and tried to distract Kian away from the pond. He chuckled a little and slowly followed behind me. "Wanna hear a joke Kian? Do you have a nickname? I'll give you one. Uuum K sizzle dizzle? That sounds like a rapper." I rambled on saying random stuff.

"Calm down." He commanded again but of course I didn't listen.

"Surprise trust fall!" I screamed before falling backwards, preparing to fall on my butt. But to my surprise Kian caught me, but once he caught me he held me up then put me in his arms bridal style for about two seconds then threw me over his shoulder to the fireman carry.

"I told you to calm down." He growled playfully. "So now I know how to get you to chill out." He walked back to the pond while carrying me simultaneously. "You know how to swim right?" He jerked me back down to the bridal style carry and smiled at me once we got to the edge of the shallow pond.

"Kian, don't you dare!" I warned him.

"Why wouldn't I?" He asked.

"Because I'll drag you down with me." I made a weird looking face and he mimicked my face.

"Fine I won't but you have to promise me something." He raised his eyebrows as he looked at me.

"What would that be?" I asked.

"That you will chill." He smiled a big fake smile and waited for me to agree to that.

"Yeah sure." I held out my pinky, waiting for him to lock his with mine. He put me down and put his pinky in with mine. Right after we let go I darted down the trail and he chased after me to catch me and throw me into the pond sense I just disobeyed our agreement.

"Get back here Morgan!" He yelled at me.

"No way K sizzle dizzle!" I said back and continued to run as fast as possible, leaving him way behind. After a couple straight minutes of running I came to the end of the woods. I found a little nook over to the side and decided to duck in it and wait for Kian to hurry up.

Once Kian came stomping threw the slightly damp area of the woods I was in. I decided to jump out and scare him, then tackle him.

"HEY KIAN!" I screamed and scared him senseless as I tackled him down.

"Smooth move." He chuckled as he was pined down by me. He then made a sudden action and practically threw me off of him.

I landed a few inches away from him and he came and flung me over his shoulders, back to the fireman carry.

"Kian, I swear to GOD if you drag me back to the pond then I will start cracking skulls!" I screamed at him while I flared my arms around, looking like I'm throwing a small tantrum on his right shoulder.

"I told you to chill and you did not so here we are" He laughed as he ignored my threat and continued walking.

Once we got back to the pond he stood at the end of it for a few seconds as he watched the little waves form and then deform seconds later.

"It's such a beautiful site isn't it?" I tried to distract him from his duty he commanded himself multiple times before.

"Yes, yeah it is." He agreed with me as he started to loosen his grip around my waist. "Wait wait!" He jumped back to reality. "Don't distract me!" He growled at me playfully as he tugged me down from his shoulder back into the bridle style once again.

He then held me in his arms over the water before releasing me and I plunged into the freezing water that seemed as if it was an ice bath.

"It's freezing!" I announced when I came back up to the top.

"You should've chilled out." He stated, showing no sympathy.

"Okay, will you help me out?" I treaded water and gave him a begging face as I held out my hand for him to pull me back up.

He grabbed my hand and began to pull me back. I tugged back at an attempt to get him to plunge into the water the exact same way I just did. He chuckled when I tried and he didn't budge.

"Nice try." He started dragging me out of the water and left me out on the side to catch my breath.

"I tried." I admitted as I pushed myself up from the ground. "Let's just go home and chill." I demanded and followed behind Kian back to my house.

When we got there I changed and then met back with him on the couches in the living room.

"When's my mom coming home?" I asked as I twirled my thumbs around each other and waited for his reply. I assumed my mom would've told him.

"Like, late." He said mindlessly as he scrolled threw his phone.

"You're so boring!" I wined. I got up from laying down and walked up behind him as he didn't pay attention. I then slumped over his shoulder and started rolling around to get him to get off his phone.

"Damn it Morgan." He complained as he dropped his phone onto the stiff carpet without a case on it. I hurried up and jumped off him shoulder to pick up his phone to check it but I already knew it was done for sense I herd it crack.

"I'm so sorry Kian." I apologised to him while holding his phone in my hand, showing him his cracked phone.

"We need to go to Verizon." He demanded and ignored my apology as he took the phone and tried to see the screen. "Can you get on your phone and order an Uber?" He asked.

"Yeah, sure. Of course." I ran to the couch with my phone on it and ordered an Uber as fast as I could and then me and Kian waited for its arrival in silence.

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