first dates

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I sat there awkwardly staring at him. He spun a miniature fork around his finger as I tried to think of something to spark a conversation.

"So, this is a cute place." I looked around the feminine decorated restaurant.

"Why is this so awkward?" He ignored what said and asked me.

"I- I don't know." I was thinking the same thing.

"It's just a date, with a good friend." He said, making it sound like he was talking to himself.

"Yeah.." I paused. "Friend." I didn't like that word if I'm talking about Kian, I just don't think of him as a friend.

"You didn't sound so sure of that?" He sat up in his chair and pulled himself closer to the table.

"No I am. You're more like a best friend though." I lied.



"You don't think of me as a friend or a best friend and I know it."

"Well yeah. Kinda. I guess so." I played around with the straw wrapper that was sitting on the table.

"What do you think of me as?" He asked me with curiosity clear in his voice.

"I dont know." I honestly said, because I didn't know. I can't say significant other because we aren't, yet. I guess more like a crush.

"I think of you as a crush." He flashed me a smile.

"Well, I guess I do too. A little crush." I clarified with him.

"What would think me as a boyfriend?"

"I dont know, I don't think about that." I lied, I always think about that.

"Yes you do, I can tell." He called me out. "If it makes you feel any better, I've already thought about us together. Just how great it would be, ya know?" He asked me as he looked down. I nodded awkwardly, still refusing to look him in the eye because of the awkward feeling I get. "Just be honest with me."

"Fine, I think about it too. Yeah it would be pretty cool and all but I don't know." My foot began to tap with impatience to end this horrible conversation.

"What would you say if I ask you out right now?"

"Are you pretty much asking me out right now?" I asked. He looked up at me with a cheeky grin, the answer just plastered on his face. "I guess so, we've been acting like it anyways." I said.

"So... does this mean..?" He dragged on.

"Yeah, I think we're dating." The mood started to brighten up a little. "Don't tell my mom yet. Oh god, the restrictions she would put on us." I chuckled at just the thought.

. . .

That night Kian and I sat on the couch, cuddling of course. Watching some documentary on elephants, well we weren't watching it. It was just playing in the background as we talked about whatever.

"What's your favorite animal?" I randomly asked just to get to know him better.

"I don't know, I don't really care about animals or nature in general." He said bluntly. "Oh god that sounded so horrible. I didn't mean it like that. It's just that nature just doesn't interest me I guess. I care about it but it doesn't interest me." He explained to me even though I understand what he meant in the beginning.

"Mines dolphin." I switched positions next to him. "Sorry." I apologized to him for bothering him.

"It's okay." He chuckled and pushed me in closer to him.

"What's your favorite show?" He asked me.

"The Wonder Years." I said unsure. "Yeah, totally The Wonder Years." I assured my answer.

"Whys that?" He asked me.

"Just, the story and like Winny and Kevin's love and stuff. It's just so sweet. It's like Boy Meets World but with the opposite Savage brothers. Ya know?" I clarified with him.

"Well, no. I haven't seen either one of those shows and I dont know who the Savage brothers are." I pushed off his shoulders to look at him in the eyes with shock.

"You lier." I gasped.

"I'm not lying." He put his hands up in defense.

"How could you? This is..." I tried to find a word to describe the incident. "I dont even know." He chuckled at what I'm assuming was my loss of words.

"I'll look it up later." He put his hand back onto my shoulder and pulled me back into him. "Mine would be Bob Burgers." He informed me. I nodded.

"What your favorite food?" I asked him.

"Steak probably."

"Mine would be anything chicken." I told him.

"What's your favorite color? Mines black."

"Probably blue, like an aqua." We continued to banter for awhile. "What's an unattractive feature on a girl to you?"

"When she's extremely lazy. Like if she only wants to stay home and do nothing everyday and never wants to go on a date."

"Mine would be when he's illiterate. Or if he just doesn't know about good music." I rolled around on his shoulder for a second because dropped my head onto his lap. "Sorry." I apologized again, which earned a small laugh from him.

"I'm pretty illiterate." He told me, almost sounding scared.

"No you aren't." I chuckled at him as I assured him. "And you know a lot about good music. Like The Who or The Doors or something like that." I gave a few examples of bands we had in common.

"Yeah, alright." I stared straight up at him as he lightly stroked and played with my hair. "God, you look beautiful." He abruptly said which gave me butterflies, like usual. He leaned down and kissed my puckered lips.

"Thank you." I covered my burning cheeks as I'm sure they looked like a furnace. "So what would be one of your goals in the future?" I asked him to change the subject back to asking each other questions.

"Just to have a stable marriage and family. Ever sense my parents divorce it made me realize how I was never gonna let that happen to my family." He looked at my hair at which he was fingering right now.

"Just to be respect, taken seriously would be mine. Make a difference in society, even if it's a small one." I turned my head to the side to look at the elephants so i didn't appear to have a double chin to him anymore.

"That's sweet." I could see from the corner of my eye that he was smiling at me. "What is your dream occupation?"

"A social worker. I love kids and I love being with them. They always have such bright minds and bright attitudes that I would love to help some kids find places they can call home and help them when they might not be in a well situation."

"Mine would have to be a tattoo artist." He told me. I eyeballed all his tattoos that were spread across his arm making a sleeve of them.

"I can see that." I chuckled. He smiled down at me to which I responded with a goofy looking face. "You're so cute." I chuckled again as I looked back over at the elephants.

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