front porch makeup

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"I agree he should've told his friends and yeah I see how that would've been embarrassing." Taylor agreed with me. We pulled into my neighborhood after us three had lunch together.

"What do you think I should do or should've done?" She turned onto my street. I saw Kian sitting there on my porch in a nicer outfit then before. He was holding a big bouquet of flowers, tapping his foot looking down at the ground. My heart skipped as we got into our drive way.

I stayed in my seat for a second trying to bring myself back together, or preparing myself for Kian and I's confrontation we're about to have. I got out of the car slowly and lightly shut the door. I was on the other side of the car so he couldn't see me yet. He patiently waited for me to come up to him.

"Morgan I am so unbelievably sorry. I understand why you're sad and angry at me. I told all of my friends we're together now. Please forgive me." He held the flowers out to me and gave the cutest puppy dog face once I was in front of me. Taylor and Ethan were in the car watching it all.

"I dont know.." I stared at the flowers then I looked back at him. I shook my head and took the flowers out of his hands. He buried me into a passionate hug. Sense our height difference my ear was pressed against his chest, I could hear his heart beating quickly. He placed a kiss on top of my head then backed away to look at me again.

"I, I don't know how to start this." He paused "I love you." He sounded very sure about that but kinda, scared maybe?

"Are you sure?" I asked him.

"Very sure. I love everything about you. I notice every small adorable things about you. I love how you're so ticklish. I love the little squeal you do when I tickle you. I love the way you laugh at the dumbest things. I love how you have the shortest attention span. I love how you exaggerate everything. I love how you always hear the wrong thing. I love how you dance and serenade me with whatever song comes on. I love how you can never sit still and constantly apologize to me thinking it bothers me. I love the way you are with kids. I love how reckless you are. I love the way you imitate my faces back to me to make me laugh. I love the kissy noses you make to get me to kiss you. I love the way you get so into the video games and end up losing anyways. I love the way you want to spend as much time as possible with me. I love the cheesy impersonations you do. I love how when you talk to me about books you read and tell me all about it like you're in the story. I love how you care about me. I love when you kiss my cheek. I love how you remember so much. I love when you ask me random questions then get confused on why I'm laughing. I love when you mess up and just say 'whoops' and forget about it. I love how you always randomly get cold and make me come and warm you up. I love how you always believe in me. I love when you tease me. I love how you know so much about music. I love how serious you get when you talk to me about things you love. I love when you just randomly grab me. I love the way you look without make up. I love the way you look with make up. I love the little dance you do when you get to excited. I love how apologetic you are even if you don't have anything to apologize for. I love the way you try and beat me at wrestling knowing I'll end succeeding. I definitely love you Morgan." He listed to me.

"Thank you." My cheeks burned as I smiled way to wide. "I think I love you too."

"An I love the way you look down whenever you blush, like what you're doing right now." He pointed to my cheeks that were probably as red as a tomato. "I want you to always remember that, no matter what happens." He grabbed my arm and squeezed it lightly.

Unexpectedly I herd several people began to clap, it scared me so I jumped then fell to Kian's feet. I looked around to find not only Ethan and Taylor clapping from her car that had the drivers seat window rolled down, but also Sam from her porch next door.

"He's a keeper." Sam screamed by cupping her hands around her mouth. I blushed and put my head to his chest as I herd the sound I've been waiting to hear, Taylor's car start and her driving away. I waved as if I would miss her presence but I didn't. "Hey Morgan wanna come over? You can bring your hunk too." Sam suggested

"Hey Sam, wanna go die?" I took Kians hand and escaped inside before Sam replied.

"Who was that girl?" Kian asked once inside.

"She's my neighbor, and best friend." I informed him as I looked out the window at her and flipped her off. "Do you want to go watch a movie maybe?"

"I want to just stay in but I dont know what to do." I sat down on the couch. Usually when we stay home for the night a mess is left behind. Like the food fight, or the nerf war. I dont know what it is with us but we tend to always make a mess.

"Well I don't either..." I slid my finger across the back of the couch as I thought. "Board games can't happen because it's only us.." I thought out loud. "I don't really want to clean up another mess.." Nothing was coming to mind, guess we're going to have a boring night.

. . . . .


I'm on such a horrible writers block. Send in ideas you have for them to do for the night or just ideas on how to continue the story please it would help so much. 

Babysitter Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora