sophisticated debates

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"But come on." I gave him a pouty face. He shook his head more sure. "I just want to put some make up on you!" I wined to him.

"No Morgan." He chuckled at my determination for something so useless.

"I'll do anything for you to let me put makeup on you." I continued to beg, not giving up.


"I dont know, what do you want?" He raised my eyebrow at him.

"A kiss?" He raised his eyebrows back at me in response.

"Easy, done." I flew off the couch I was sitting at and ran to my bathroom then ran back to the living room with the makeup bag. "Pucker up." I puckered my lips to show him what I want him to do. He shook his head and didn't do so. "Don't make this hard, Kian." I scolded him as he smiled at me and then puckered his lips.

I put on some classic red lip stick like what I usually had on. He moved his lips in a small circle while i tried to put it on so I missed a little. It pretty much looked as if Miranda Sings did his make up.

"You messed up on the make up." He rubbed some of the lip stick off.

"Don't touch it!" I yelled at his. "Don't touch it. I'll fix it." I repeated. He dropped his hands back to his side and i cleaned up around his lips. "Don't you look beautiful." I kissed his lips gently, having a tiny bit of the lip stick on his lips transfer to mine. I giggled as I whipped it away.

"Okay, close your eyes." He squeezed his eyes shut violently. "No no no." I laughed at him. "Gently, like this." I demonstrated for him and he copied it. I opened up my small pallet of eye shadow and picked a vibrant color of blue. I just barley slide it over his eyelid and watched as he tried to keep his eyes shut. "Okay, you can open. You're all done now though." He nodded his head and opened his eyes.

"Isn't there like some pencil thing?" He asked me confused.

"Yeah, usually girls put on eyeliner and mascara but those scare me so I don't own any." He packed up all of my makeup and put it back neatly into the bag. He chuckled at my ridiculous fear.

"Well then can I look at myself." He looked around in search of a mirror. I took a mirror out of my bag and handed it to him. His eyes widened suddenly as soon as his face came in view. "Oh my god." He moved his face around to see it at different angles. "Lord, I look like I have a job on the corner." He shook his head in disapproval. "You don't usually do your makeup like this."

"I was just joking when I put that on you." I climbed on top of him and laid my head down on his chest.

"Can I get this stuff off me." He tried to wipe it away with his hand.

"Yeah." I pulled some makeup wipes out of my bag and he slide one all over his face till all the little bit of makeup was off.

"Can I have some coffee." He looked down at me and asked randomly, then he placed a gentle kiss on the top of my head.

"Yeah." I pushed myself up from him and walked to the kitchen as he followed behind me. "Coffees gross." I lectured him. "I smells gross, looks gross, tastes gross. Every time I hear the word coffee it makes me want to cry." I over exaggerated.

"I like it." He spewed out his opinion.

"Well it's disgusting." I turned on the coffee maker and leaned against the counter until it was ready. Once it made a quiet little click I turn back around and finished making his coffee. I handed him the warm cup and he took it then went to sit at the kitchen table. I grabbed a flavored water from the fridge and sat across from him at the table.

"I've never talked to you about your beliefs." He said randomly.

"What beliefs?" I asked him confused as I slowly pored some water in my mouth.

"Just things that you're passionate about, you know?" He asked me and kicked his feet up onto the chair across from him.

"I'm passionate about a lot of things."

"But like, things you're an activist for or something. If you are a activist for anything?" He asked me.

"Well, I'm a feminist (of course) a gay rights activist, a civil rights activist, things like that I guess."

"Talk to me about those things. Sounds like you're pretty passionate about it and I'd love to hear your opinion." I've always wanted someone to ask me my opinions of stuff, it flatters me that he cares so much to know what I think.

"Well there's a lot of things to say about it and a lot of things I think about it." I tried to sort out what I should say about it first. "I've always wanted someone to ask about me opinions. I've always wanted to have like a sophisticated debate over things I'm passionate about."

"Then maybe we could have one if I disagree with you on something?" He offered. I nodded and proceeded with my opinion.

"Well I'm a feminist for many reasons. Girls aren't treated equal and far and thats definitely clear. People need to open their eyes and see there is no difference between a woman and a man other then genitals. It's not fair to say a girl can't do something when they have all power to do it. It's like saying all girls are weaker then boys. That's totally not true. Like yes you can beat me at most physical stuff but there's many other girls who can beat you with one hand tied behind there back." I gave him a few examples.

"I agree, for the most part. Some things are a mans job. Like mechanics are usually a mans occupation. I think we should stick with that but no I don't think girls should just stay at home either if they want to go work."

"No, I don't believe that there are specific male or female jobs. Most people view nursing as a woman's job but men are slowly coming into nursing which is wonderful but then girls should be able to come into their occupations. It should be an equal scale and people should start realizing that there is no difference with abilities and genders." He nodded.

"I agree with you."

"And the saying "be a lady" is meaning be respectful and classy and stuff which should also be a thing gentleman do. Then "be a man" is meaning be strong and stuff when girls should and are like that too."

"You really know what you're talking about. You're very smart and that's obvious. I find that attractive." He flashed a smile at me. "I love you."

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