kooking with kian

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We both trailed out into my neutral coloured living room to start a movie night. Kian walked up to the movie shelf to pick something then saw there was nothing but chick flicks.

"Wide variety, yeah?" He joked.

"Oh yeah, we don't have much to pick from. Sorry about that." I plopped down on the couch and I flung my phone in front of my face to go down my Instagram feed.

"I'm hungry." He stated and sat down on the couch across from the one I'm one.

"Go get some food in the kitchen then." I suggested.

"I'm feeling in a cooking kind of mood, you know?" He asked.

"Then whip something up real quick."

"Fine but you're going to help." He popped up and walked over to me and grabbed my wrist. He began to pull me at an attempt to get me off the couch. He pulled me until we got into the kitchen. He let go and I stayed there motionless on the cold tiled kitchen floor.

"Okay so what do you want to cook?" He asked as he grabbed a random cabinet while searching in it to get an idea on what to cook.

"I don't know, you're the one who came up with the hair brain idea." I placed my hand onto my stomach as I memorized the ceiling.

"Get up and help me." He stood over me, waiting for me to get up.

"I'm to lazy, do it yourself." I sighed at him.

"Fine, if you won't get up then I'll just sit on you." He began to squat at an attempt to make me think he is going to sit on me.

"Bet, I wish you would!" I mocked him.

"I am." He began to lower himself more and I realised he was actually going to do it.

"Fine!" I screamed before he could actually sit on me. "Fine, I'm getting up." I sighed in defeat and got up as he smiled at his accomplishment.

"So, what do you want to cook?" He repeated his unanswered question he asked just a little bit ago.

"I don't know."

"What kind of mood are you in? Feel like chicken? I feel like chicken." He continued talking without giving me time to state my opinion.

"Sure." I still stated my opinion as I leaned against the counter to grab a few chips from the open bag and slid them in my mouth one by one.

"Chicken Cordon Bleu it is then." He scrolled threw instructions to get the main part of how to start it and then handed his phone over to me. "Do you have all of that?" He asked as he slowly scrolled threw the ingredients list and I nodded at everything I had.

"Yeah we got it all." I pushed myself up from the counter and walked over to all the different cabinets while Kian stood their and watched me. "You do realise it takes hours to make chicken cordon bleu right?" I asked him.

"We got time." He waved his hand to add the impression of him not caring.

"Whatever." I laughed at him while getting the last few things for the recipe. "It's to quite in here." We need some music. I set the last item on the counter before running to my room and grabbing my phone.

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