hang out

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I looked at him, frightened almost. At a loss of words. Should I say it back? Is it to soon? Do I really know? I swallowed deeply and it felt like a huge gulp.

"I.." I stumbled on what to say. "I love you too?" I spit out.

"Are you sure about that?" He chuckled at me. I nodded my head, even though I wasn't sure. It frightened me. This is my first boyfriend. I don't know if I love him. I don't even know what love would feel like. Does he actually think he loves me? I'm worrying to much about this.

"Yeah, I do love you." I repeated. He smiled at me then looked back down at his steaming coffee. "So what do you wanna do?" He shrugged. "Give an option Kian." I demanded.

"We could just sit at home?" He offered.

"No!" I turned him down. "I want to meet your friends. Maybe we can hang out with some of them and some of my friends too?"

"So you want to hang out with all of our friends together?" He asked. I nodded my head as I started texting everyone, asking if they wanted to hang out. "But where?"

"I don't know, it's pretty cold out so there isn't many places. Maybe we could stay here or go to a small coffee shop or something."

"I don't want to go anywhere so just invite them all over here." He got onto his phone and text his friend also.

"How many are you inviting?" I asked him.

"Probably somewhere about 5 to 10. You?"

"Probably about 10. So this is gonna be a pretty lit party." I sarcastically chuckled. He nodded his head and didn't even look up.

. .

Within twenty minutes my house was filled with rich looking teenage boys and my friends who looked like they threw all their clothes threw a shredder.

"Well hey, welcome to my house. I'm Morgan if I haven't met you before" I said to the general group once everyone was here and sitting down.

"Hey." Mumbled a few people who wasn't paying much attention.

"Well what's your guys names?" I attempted to start a conversation with the strangers on my couch.

"I'm Keith." Said one with long brown hair to his shoulders but was quite short

"Justin" A curly haired boy raised his hand. "Jc." He corrected himself. I nodded.

"Kacy." He had a brown quiff with his the rest of his head shaved. He was medium sized kinda. Not short but definitely not tall. The rest of the boys (Michael who was the tallest of them all, Riley who seemed like the most energetic of them all, Justin who seemed uninterested in any of this, and lastly Cameron who looked like he was in a band.) introduced themselves to me one at a time by just saying their first name.

"Well cool, nice to meet you all. So.." I dragged on hoping someone would start a conversation.

"Wanna hear embarrassing stories about Kian?" Justin asked. I nodded my head smirking, excited to hear them.

"One time he ran outside on his street, drunk, handing out empty Easter eggs to kids in day light in the middle of November." Riley butted in and told his story.

"They took them though." Keith chuckled.

"Oh, he makes it off to seem like he's some good guy or something. Like he doesn't do drugs or drink alcohol." I told them. They all busted out laugh, except for Kian. Kian just rolled his eyes and folded his arms over his chest.

"Kian?" Riley asked then chuckled a few times. "Kian is not innocent what so ever." He went back to laughing with the others.

"Oh shut up. I'm not that bad." Kian rolled his eyes.

"Yes you are!" Jc argued with him. "What about that one time you walked around a park shouting, scaring people?" Jc said.

"Alright, alright." He put his hands up in surrender.

"Morgan has some of her own doozies." Taylor butted in. I invited Jordan, Taylor, Kate, Ethan, and Ares over and everyone showed but of course Jordan, who is still throwing a fit and not talking to me.

"Don't you dare." He laughed, not even knowing what she was going to say.

"For 3 years straight in math if we had a substitute she would ask them what the point of math was then if they gave examples she would argue that." Taylor said. I giggled, remembering.

"Or that time she tried to sweet talk the cop out of getting handcuffed and tried to get him to let her go." Ethan added.

"What did she say?" Cameron asked, interested.

"Well reenact." Taylor grabbed Ethan's hand and dragged him up into a clear space in front of everyone.

"Mam, please get in the car." Ethan said sternly like a cop usually would.

"Listen up here sir. I got a life. I have a kid at home, school to go to, bills to pay. I'm one busy person. So I'd say you let me go and we forget about it." Taylor said in a high pitched tone to try and make it sound like me. Ethan shook his head. "Come on. You wouldn't want my kid to stay home alone all night would you?"

"I know you don't have a kid."


"Because you look like five." Ethan waved his hands around like the cop did to me.

"It's because I'm black isn't it?" I remember saying that a lot so I'm sure this whole conversation is spot on.

"Alright we get it." I cut them off.

"We remember the whole thing almost word for word because it just happened a couple months ago." Taylor said as her and Ethan both sat down.

"Sounds like you're pretty wild." Keith nodded his head.

"Not really anym-"

"Crazy that once Kian cleans up his act then he gets to babysit a wild chick like you." Keith cut me off.

"Yeah well I've settled down sense we started dating." Once I said that Kian's eyes opened wide abruptly as all of his friends and some of my friends looked confused.

"Dating?" Jc asked. Did he not tell his friends or something?

"Yeah?" I asked confused.

"We aren't dating?" Kian asked confused, confusing me even more.

"We aren't...?" I wasn't catching on.

"No?" I gave his a look then caught on a little. He didn't tell his friends. But why? Was I embarrassing or something? I dont know if I should be understanding or flip shit.

"You're right Kian. We aren't dating. Silly me got confused." I rolled my eyes and folded my hands over my chest, leaned back, and smirked as the subject slowly changed.

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