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We carried on to the next store. I just bought a new pair of pants and then I noticed that's all I need to buy.

"Alright Kian, let's make like a tree and get out of here." I lightly backhanded his stomach while he gave me a annoyed look because of my Back To The Future quote.

"I don't even like that movie."

"I don't even like you." I spit out without thinking first, I put emphasis on you.

"Yes you do babe." He winked at me as he led the way to the car.

"You're pretty egotistical aren't you?"

"Egotistical?" He asked confused on what the word meant.

"You're pretty high and dry, think you're all that and a bag of chips, full of yourself." I tried to give multiple examples.

"Well then yeah, I guess so." He turned around and smiled at me as he held the mall door open for me to exit.

"What do you want to do now?" He asked me.

"Nap." I stated without a expression change.

"Don't be lame, let's drive around?" He asked me.

"That's boring!" I wined.

"So is napping!" He fought back.

"That's my favorite pass time activity though!" I continue to complain and wine, surely soon getting on his nerves.

"You need to spice up your life, let's go go karting" He demanded as he took a sharp turn to a place with lazer tagging, go karts, and paint ball off to the left of the road.

"What's the fun in that?" I grumpily said back to him as I dramatically got out of the car and began to drag my feet to the door.

"You just will just have to wait and see babe." He winked at me and flung the door open and held it open for me to walk threw. Once I was in the building I took a look in admiration of the building with minimum people in it. "Over here." Kian pointed to a neon blue desk off to the side with 3 computers that where being preoccupied by working that were filling in information of new customers.

"I'll help." I began to dig around in my purse for some cash. "How much?" I asked.

"Free." He stalked up to the desk. "2 for laser tag and Go Karting." He informed the worker.

"Here you go and enjoy your time." She handed Kian four small tickets, two pink, two orange, and gave us a fake smile before the next person walked up and began telling her what they wanted tickets for.

"Which one do you want to do first?" He asked me.

"Go Karting" I just said whatever because I didn't honestly care.

"You got it." Everything was in a room and all of the open doorways were in one hallway. He walked into the first door on the left that said 'Go Karting' and the room was somewhat empty. It just had one other family in there doing their final lap.

"Welcome, do you just want to have fun and drive or do you want to race?" He asked us.

"RACE!" I screamed behind Kian before he could say something.

"Yeah, race." He agreed with me as the guy nodded and put up one finger to tell us to wait a minute.

The couple racing on the track flew across the checkered line and the man standing in a small platform above them waved around the checkered flag.

"Alright, you guys ready?" He turned around and asked us. I nodded and we followed him to the small area where the cars were at. "First two." I pointed to the cars and I got in the car that was in the front and Kian got in the one behind me. "Buckle up before you take off and don't forget the helmet." He instructed as he point to the helmet directly next to the car. I picked up the somewhat heavy helmet and slid it over my face then clicked together my seat belt.

"Pull up to the line." The man pointed to the line the couple just flew across and I began to slowly go forward as Kian rode behind me to the line then pulled up next to me. The light in front of us started at red then beeped down to yellow. I tapped my foot on the gas peddle every time the bell beeped to the next color.

Finally it then beeped to green and me nor Kian wasted anytime to stepped down on the peddle and excel in front of each other. We have 5 laps and I was sure to be far in front of him by the end of it all.

"Kiss mine." I took my left hand off the wheel to display my middle finger at him vulgarly as I sped up in front of him.

"Come back!" He yelled and leaned forward in his seat to try and speed in front of me. I turn the first corner and the cart started to slow down for some reason. Kian took the opportunity to race in front of me and left me barley behind him. "Try to talk shit now!" He laughed at me.

I leaned forward in my seat and concentrated as hard as possible to beating him. I was so close I accidentally bumped into the back of him lightly which distracted him and he spun around in place and caused a collision with his cart and the wall. I laughed as I turned the second corner of the race and he backed out of the situation. I finally finished the first lap and he was not far behind me.

We carried on with the next lap with no problems and he led the beginning on the third lap and I tried my best to distract him and somehow it worked and he turned around to look at me then I sped in front of him.

"Have you checked your phone lately?" He asked and tried to either start a conversation with me or is trying to talk me into pulling my phone out.

"No and I don't need to." I confidently said back and crossed the line and went into the forth lap. The lap flew by fast and he was just barley in front. He was now crossing the line to go into the fifth and final lap. I speeded up a little faster and now I'm directly next to him and we pretty much stayed next to each other the whole lap. The line became closer and closer and my competitiveness kicked me.

"I'm going to win!" I screamed at him as we were almost at the line. The line was not even a full second away then suddenly the bell rang and the man above us waved the flag. I tore off the helmet and looked up at the score board to figure out who won the race.

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