Chapter Twenty

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No. No no no no no. Those words seemed to have taken over Ludwig's head. Feli is gone. Oh god, he could be hurt. Ludwig was beyond worried at this point. I could have left him behind. He doesn't have any food or blankets. Ludwig seemed to think of every possible thing that could have gone wrong. He could have gotten hit by the train. He could have broken an arm or a leg. After about twenty minutes of trying to think of the worst case scenario, Ludwig closed the door to the train car. He didn't want to look outside.


Feli scrambled up and looked for Ludwig, he ran alongside the train once again, but couldn't find the open car where Ludwig was. He couldn't runs fast, he had scraped his knees on the gravel, and they were bleeding a lot. Feli decided that he would jump onto the next open car, he found one, and jumped on. But this only hurt his knees more. He didn't have the energy to close the car door, so he just stared outside.


After about two days of nausea and worry, Ludwig decided to look for Feli. He jumped off the car with both duffle bags, and looked for the next open car. "Feli is smart," Ludwig said to himself, "he could have hopped on the next empty car." Ludwig ran and looked for an open car. After about five minutes, he found one.

Feli was startled when he saw two duffle bags land on the floor of the car. But soon recognised that they belonged to Ludwig and himself. Feli quickly scrambled up to find Ludwig, running towards the train car.

Ludwig smiled when he saw Feli, still alive and unhurt. Feli held out his hand confidently, ready for Ludwig to jump onto the car. Ludwig grabbed Feli's hand. And Feli pulled with all of his remaining strength. Ludwig accidentally hit his head on the car, but ignored it. They both threw themselves toward the back of the car to avoid falling out. Ludwig was alive, Feli was alive.

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