Wait whose Shadow!?!

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(Y/n) awoke the next morning in a daze blinking to block out the bright morning sun light. "uurgh," you moaned stretching your arms, "I really wish I could go back to living in Kakario village." sighing you muttered, "Maybe I can ask Impa today during my visit at the castle." As you climbed out of your (f/c) bedsheets there was an obnoxiously loud knock on your front door,"Huh?" (Y/n) mulled to herself , "Who else in the name of lady Hylia would be up at this hour?"

Quietly you walked over to your front door and pulled it open, "how may I help Yo-" just as you began to speak of flood of knights from the castle entered your house uninvited, "Hey! Wait just a minute! You can't just barge into someone's house! Get out!"

Ignoring your yelling at them one of the knights pulled out a scroll of paper water marked with the crest of the hylain royal family and boomed out, "(Y/n) (L/n), you have been summoned to the castle by her highness Zelda. She must see you immediately about her task to give you it can wait no longer."

"Wait just a minute!" you lashed out at him, "It is only 5am! The summons that I received said 9am in the castle garden! That's a four hour time difference!"

At that moment Impa walked in and sternly told you, "(Y/n) something came up, the princess has no other choice but to see you now." you scoffed at this sarcastically, "Your going whether you want to or not young lady! Got it!" the guards all flinched when Impa yelled at me, but I had no choice but to listen to her. After all she was the leader of the few sheikah who remained in Hyrule after the war.

"Yes Impa I understand," you told her standing tall.

45 minute time skip
Hyrule Castle

Walking calmly into the castle garden I saw the princess and bowed to her acting like a 'proper' lady, "Hello m'lady how may I be of service to you today?"

Zelda turned around and told me with out any emotion in her voice, "There is a Shadow in Hyrule, I wish for you to dispose of him. Before he can cause anymore trouble than he already has, and as you're a sheikah I think it's a fitting job for you to handle....."

As she trailed of I spoke frantically, "Lady Zelda! Is that true? Why didn't you tell me sooner!?! I swear upon my own head to get this job done for you your highness."

To you swearing you life on something so trivial Impa smacked you in the back of the head, "Do not waste time by spouting useless words (Y/n)." As you winced rubbing your head where Impa had hit it she told Zelda, "Princess you still must tell her whose shadow it is, so she will be prepared to fight him and put him back where he belongs."

Her lip trembling Zelda said, "oh Impa you know how hard it is for me to do this! He's been my friend since we were children, and to make matters worse the seal on the wind mage is beginning to weaken! How can I hurt my friend in green like this," at that moment the princess burst out crying tears dropping gently down her rosy cheeks.

"Princess to you speak of Link? The boy left handed hero boy from the Kokiri forest?" you questioned, "and I know how you feel about hurting someone very close to you as well, you aren't alone I'm always here for you m'lady" of course you didn't mind that you were lying to the princess to calm her down.

"Y-yes," sniffled Zelda, "The shadow is that of the Hero Link...I-I had a premonition that this shadow will bring upon a new age of darkness in Hyrule. If he is not caught and disposed of soon Hyrule will most definitely fall into a brand new age of chaos and destruction."

Hyrule Field

As soon as (y/n) left the Castle she headed for Kakario Village I was going there because that is where all shadows come from. While I walked there was something strange going on in Hyrule field, there was a strong wind blowing from the south near the forest.

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