He sounds weird

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  By the time we'd gotten out of the temple it was nighttime, looking up at the stars in the sky I sighed. How in the world were we supposed to get into Gerudo valley? It was then I remembered the paper Sheik'd given me deciding now was a good time I looked at it, "Oh! This is...." In my hand was a Gerudo pass for two people, on it was the names of my parents.

When Vaati noticed the look I'd given the paper he asked, "So what'd they give you?" He snatched the paper from my hand, "A Gerudo pass...?"

"I know what that is." Vio shrugged his shoulders as we left the graveyard, "It's the only way outsiders and men can be in Gerudo Valley, as well as use their training ground. Typically you have to earn them."

"Is that so." Vaati casually walked through Kakariko handing me the pass, "But aren't the Gerudo those violent women who live in the western desert near the haunted wasteland?"

I placed the pass in my book, "Yeah that's them alright." For awhile after that we kept walking, and discussed how to save Shadow while we did. Once outside of Castle town we stopped.

"That wont be opened until sunrise."

"I know that Vio," I sighed, "We're just stopping here to get some supplies, then we're going to the desert as we agreed."

"Yeah." the two boys nodded. Sitting there we waited and fought the occasional stall kid when they popped up.

Until they finally began to lower the gate, "You two move!" I shoved the boys out of the way as Impa charged out on Zelda's white stallion.

Stopping a short distance away Impa turned the horse around and came up to me, "And where have you been (Y/n)! It's been over a month since I've seen you, Link." She faced Vio, "I don't plan to pry too much but where is Zelda?" He stayed silent, "Fine I'll find her myself you useless hero!" She then charged off into the field.

"Well she's as cold-hearted towards me as ever." I sighed entering Castle town. Once in the market I gave each of the boys a list of supplies and 200 ruppees each, after explaining the importance of everything on the lists I headed to the Happy hearth inn. Inside I got the same reaction as before with everyone whispering about how I shouldn't be here.

Ignoring them the best I could I rang the bell, "Just a moment please." Bethany's face lit up when she saw me, "Oh hey (Y/n)! Anything I can do for you?" When no one was looking she slid a note across the counter.

"Yeah." I said glancing at the note, "I'm here to pay the bill from last time." Glancing at the note again I nodded my head in response.

Bethany gave a slight nod then gestured for me to follow her into the back, "Alright follow me." Once we were in the back out of everyone's' sight she asked me, "So what happened to Shadow?"

"Well..." I clasped my hands behind my back, "Remember how I disappeared awhile ago?"

"Yeah..You went out to get some clothes and then you didn't come back, and when we asked the shop owner he said you were looking at the stuff in the back then never came to the front to pay. After we left Shadow told me something had probably happened to you, and that you wouldn't steal stuff like that." She sighed and looked towards the oven where I could clearly see a loaf of bread cooking, "Did something happen to Shadow after you went away from here?"

"Yeah something did happen after we left." I placed a hand on my forehead, "Hylia tons of stuff happened Bethany."

Tilting her head Bethany calmly stated, "Really? Well I don't know too much about what you three are doing, and well..When Vaati was explaining to me what happened I could tell he was leaving something out of it."

Sighing I sat down on an empty crate in the room, "I asked Vaati to do that...You see when I disappeared a guy named Dark was the one who took me. He's kind of like Link or rather the four parts of him at the moment, but less mature and responsible....."

Nodding Bethany asked, "So when Vaati told me that you had stuff that was keeping you away..He meant this Dark person right?"

"Yeah, and now Shadow's stuck with the bastard." I laughed solemnly, "He's trying a new way to get at me I'm guessing. And I wan't you to know that Dark's not the only one there's some one else to...The other one s Vaati's father.."

Seeming bored she looked out the window, "This Dark guy sounds messed up in the head. Is Vaati with-"

"No." Interrupting her I sighed, "He's fine, I just have him running a few errands."

"I see...Could you sketch them out for me?" Making sure no one was listening to us she gave me a quill, ink, and paper. I carefully sketched out how I remembered them looking and handed back the items.

"Thats how they look, the one with the longer hair is Guufu and as I told you before Vaati's father." I scrunched my nose as I looked at the Dark one, "And that's Dark. They're the reason that we had to leave before, and why we can't stay. The two of them want me and Vaati for some odd reason...."

Standing Bethany frowned, "So when you three left you did it to protect me and my family form them?" She glanced nervously at the drawings of the two.

Nodding I sighed and stood as well, "Yes that's why we had to leave so suddenly. That and I wasn't lying about being here to pay the bill either." As I held up two yellow ruppes Behtany waved them away.

"No need Vaati paid for it after he spoke with me before you three had to leave." Smiling Bethany hugged me.

"Wha- uhm Okay?" Placing the money back into my wallet. After Bethany and I finished speaking I went to find the two boys, when I found them they were in front of Wheaton and Pita's shop. "I hope you two paid for that."

Rolling his eye Vaati said, "We did and bought the supplies you gave us the lists for."

"Okay then we should be able to go. Vio are you ready?" I turned to face the violet clad part of Link.

Nodding Vio told me, "Yeah. It will take the rest of today to even get there huh."

"Yes it will now lets go you two."  

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