You did what to Zelda?

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Once we had reached the palace of winds Shadow took Vaati and Vio to some rooms, while Dark took me to a separate one. "So (Y/n), what do you think of that Shadow now?"

"Well Dark," I said cautiously following him into the room, "WHAT THE HYELL IS THIS!!" All around the room were pictures of me facing Dark I groaned, "This is your room isn't it...."

Laughing Dark replied back, "Yeah it is. I was sure you'd guess right, I just wanted some time to talk with you before taking you to see the boss. After all last time I tried to when he was around didn't go to well."

"Yes I know it didn't," I replied as he led me to the bed to sit down, "No funny business with me now Dark. I'll talk to you like you want, that's it alright."

Nodding his head he replied, "I understand, and won't do anything to upset you on purpose." Quietly he sat by me before saying, "(Y/n) what was your initial opinion of Guufu when you first met him?"

"Well...I was nervous, " I took a breath clutching my skirt, "Dark why are you doing this exactly, I mean it's rather clear you like me in more ways than one...." Lifting my head I met my eyes with his after gesturing to the many pictures of me in his room, "It's alright if you don't want to answer me."

He stayed silent before saying, "Well I want to get to know you better, that's all (Y/n)."

"Wh-what!?!?" From my sheer surprise I had leapt up and knocked a lamp {Dark's lamp that broke} over, "Oh no, I'm so sorry!"

"Nah it's fine (Y/n) never liked the thing anyways," He replied casually gesturing with his hand clearly not caring that I broke something. "C'mon sit back down I'll clean it up later."

I looked nervously from him to the shattered lamp, "A-are you sure it's fine? That looked like an antique lamp...."

Looking at it he scrunched his nose up a bit, "I actually hated it, c'mon it's really fine. Don't worry bout it alright (Y/n)."

"O-okay?" I said sitting down nervously fidgeting with the ends of my hair. "So Dark, I have another question for you if that's okay." As he nodded I looked away and asked, "What did HE do to make Shadow do this? I mean Shadow wouldn't have done it without a good-"

"Dark you in here, you insufferable idiot?" I looked nervously at Dark who just shook his head. "If you don't answer me I'll come in there young man!"

"I'm here Lord Guufu," Dark shouted looking at the door, "Cleaning like you asked."

After he lied I looked up at him whispering "what the hell you're not cleaning. Were you not supposed to go with Shadow??"

"Dark is there someone in there with you?" I watched nervously as the door handle jiggled before Guufu snarled, "You're clearly not cleaning if your door is locked, now come open it or I'll break it down!"

As Dark stood he looked at me then said, "Stay there it's probably better if you do."

Once the door was open Guufu looked at Dark then the shattered lamp still unaware of my presence in the room, "I knew that I shouldn't have given you that lamp, is that wh- Oh you actually got the to come girl in here?" I'd been glaring at him from when he first entered then room and rolled my eyes when he finally looked at me, "Dark I'm taking the girl I have plans for her and have no desire for you to tarnish them."

"EXCUSE ME!" I shouted standing up, "I AM NOT AN ITEM YOU DON'T GET TO DECIDE THINGS FOR ME! YOU AREN'T EVEN MY FATHER OR BLOOD RELATIVE! YOU HAVE N-LET ME GO!" Clearly not caring about my infuriated outburst Guufu grabbed my wrist and drug me from the room, in the door way before it could be closed I saw Dark shaking his head sadly as I was drug away from him while he did nothing but watch. "DAMN IT! LET GO YOU BASTARD!"

Sighing Guufu told me, "Behave or I'll turn you to stone like that brat of a princess I found when I got here."

"Y-you did what to Zelda that's not-" As I tried to pull my wrist away from him in fear I reached for my kunai pouch, then remembered that Shadow had taken it. "Kghk! Damn." Having no way to defend my self I got drug to my room in this awful place then was locked inside.

"Now you may not like me for this (Y/n)," Guufu stated calmly, "But everything locks from the outside and I took all possible weapons from the room. That Shadow brat will be here later to bring you some food, rest up while you have the chance girly!"

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