Meeting Mom

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Once into Hyrule field I put on the mask from my bag Bethany had given me as we left, how the people at the Happy hearth only reminded me of how much I really hated being around the Hylians, as well as how much I didn't belong. We were almost to the tower when Shadow noticed that I was still upset by the reaction I'd gotten in town. Shadow loved the way it looked on me and to tried and make me feel better by telling me so in a metaphorical way, "(Y/n) don't worry about them, I think you look beautiful wearing that sweetie."

"Thank you Fire eyes," I hugged him gently seeing as he'd been cut in the stomach again, "I should have never been there in the first place, they've always made sure that it was pretty damn clear for me to see."

He hugged me back as we kept walking towards the Tower of Winds, "That's not true, you belong where fate takes you. Sure fate's a real pain in the ass, but it's also what caused us to meet in the first place (Y/n). And most Hylians believe that they are better than everyone not like them, but that's not true I know it's not. I think that you do-"

"Shadow....Shut the hell up" Vaati suddenly cut in to what Shadow was telling me well at least trying to tell me, "Show her what they did to you when we're inside. I know that you hate showing it around, but she has a right to see just what they are willing to do to the 'red eye demons of Kakariko village' she is your girlfriend after all stupid, it's pretty damn easy to see through you two when you're together."

"What in the name of the goddesses do you mean by that Vaati?" I snarled at him violently ignoring the fact that he 'knew' my father.

"Whoa calm down (Y/n)!" Shadow grabbed my arm instinctively learning quickly when it was time to hold me back, "What he means is that we're here. Vaati I'll show her later, but you get to e-explain it." He was beginning to struggle as I fought back violently, "(Y/n) rrggrah quit that! ouch! I'm still not letting go (Y/n). Control your temper Damn it!" He shouted in pain as I stomped on his foot.

"LET ME GO!" I knew that I should control my emotions better but I didn't really care at the moment, "I'll show this asshole! I will fucking rip him up limb from limb!"

"Limb from limb you say?" A familiar voice from the area to the left spoke out, "Sounds like my kind of girl why not ditch them and join me instead." I quit fighting to get away as I heard that awful voice, instead I turned and hugged Shadow tightly intent on protecting him.

"Back off Bastard!" I yelled aware of what I was doing, "Stay away! I mean it asshole!"

At that moment Vaati quickly dodged in front of the two of us, "You leave them alone! I swear to the goddesses to protect them as they have done me!" he had his arms held out in front of us causing his cape to move out like a set of purple wings (you asked about it in the field but he wouldn't tell you), "It's the least I can do for them! They've been a big help to me unlike him!" He snarled the last bit keying me in on his burning hatred of his father. ​

"Heh," He laughed, "You are so much like your worthless mother. She died pointlessly trying to protect you, you know"

"DON'T YOU DARE MOCK HER YOU BASTARD! SHE'S DONE MORE FOR ME THAN HE EVER HAS!" Dark had pushed all the right buttons to piss Vaati off.

After this I'd had enough and charged out in front of Vaati ready for a fight, "Wait who are you? Why are you with these two when you could be......with me?"

"What do you mean 'who are you' dumbass." I snarled instinctively grabbing a Kunai from the pouch I kept on my leg all the time, "You better watch your back asshole I've got my eyes on you!" I stared Dark down intently glad that he couldn't recognize me dressed like this. He was going to pay for what he did here and now, no matter the consequence!

"Look I don't know what I did to you but---I'm sorry?" He looked very confused at why I was so pissed at him, "Holy Hylia what the Hell is that!" he shouted out suddenly pointing in the direction of the other two boys, "No no no no I don't like dealing with ghosts!"

To this I laughed slightly until I heard, "Hello Mother how are you?" turning I saw Vaati talking to a ghost of a woman that looked very much like he did, "(Y/n) I told you we could get in, and I'd like you to meet my mother Marie." He actually smiled as he spoke it looked somewhat creepy as he spoke to this 'ghost' as Dark had called her, but I didn't mind. I did grow up playing in the graveyard after all.

"O-oh...uhm hello Mam....." I looked awkwardly towards her, "It's a pleasure...? To meet you....."

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