Exploding Birds....?

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As the three of us left what remained of the Minish woods we encountered Vaati who was running in the general direction of where we'd been, and just to make sure it was really him I took the pleasure of kicking him in the shin as hard as I could. "Ow! Goddess Damn it (Y/n) do not fucking kick me so hard!" he screeched furiously trying to kick me back.

"Thank the goddesses it is you Vaati," I sighed hugging him despite him still trying to kick me. "I had my reasons you grape." I whispered in his ear.

"Well don't do it with out asking, you kick rather hard you know." he growled in my ear.

Vio poked my shoulder, "Uhm (Y/n), I don't think he likes that very much."

"I thought she would've dropped him by now." Shadow said shrugging, "but they have been getting along better recently." Walking over he pulled my arms away from Vaati's body, "that's enough you're starting to creep me out, and I know you don't like to be touched by people."

"Fire eyes." I glared at him, "We need to go. Now before we run out of time and get caught."

"Shadow, where do we need to go?" Vaati walked over making sure to kick me back as he walked, "Tell me now I have a right to know!"

"I can tell you Vaati," Vio said staring absentmindedly at a tree.

"Why is he here!?!" Snarled Vaati just taking notice of Vio standing beside Shadow.

"Vaati I can-" Shadow got cut off as I smacked him in the face, "ouch..."

"Shadow and Vio decided to make an alliance, though I don't know why or understand yet." I glared suspiciously at Vio from beneath my eyelashes.

"Okay....Is this about me thinking you had green eyes? Because if it is I'm really sorry? I swear that I had no clue why they wanted to capture you, that and you should already know what raised me." Vio stared into my red eyes with his pale blue ones as he spoke, " I mean it (Y/n) I'm sorry if that's your problem with me."

Vio's comment left the other two boys in a fit of laughter. "Oh your both such jerks!" I yelled kicking at Vaati and Shadow.

"Watch it (Y/n) or I'll put you up into the air!" Vaati glowered at me for kicking at him again.

Shadow stepped in before we actually started to fight, "You two not here and not now we have stuff to do remember?"

"Right," I sighed looking at Vaati, "we're paying a visit to the Shadow temple. I have something I need to-"

"(Y/n)..." Vio cut me off, "That place is dangerous I've been in there and the floor-"

Vaati and Shadow both glared at him as he tried to tell me that it was 'dangerous' to go into the Temple. "hmph, Vio I spent a lot of my time as a young child in the Shadow temple, my mother Adraphine (L/n) was it's gaurdian until she went to work for the royal family." I sighed mournfully as I brought my mother into the conversation, "It wasn't long after she left that she and my father were killed of course. As for the temple being 'dangerous' I think I know far better than you what's in there."

"(Y/n), you don't have to tell him about this you know." Shadow placed a comforting hand on my shoulder, "I know how much it pains you to talk about it."

Vio thought about it for a moment and then he got my point, "Alright (Y/n) I think you probably know what your doing. I guess..."

"We won't know until later." Vaati bluntly said still obiously suspicious of Vio's presence.

Later In the field around where your house was

I stared solemnly at the charred remains of what once was my house. "(Y/n)..." Vio gently placed a hand on my shoulder, "I'm sorry about your house."

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