You can tell me

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Sitting in the room I'd been placed in I hugged my knees up to my chest laying my head on them I closed my eyes, "Damn it Shadow. What happened to your promise you made me, did it mean nothing to you...I thought that you meant it when you told me that you'd always be on my side, damned liar."

"Who is?" Looking up I saw Shadow standing in the door frame bowing his head down, "Look I know that your mad at me....You have every right to be to (Y/n)."

Standing I glared at him, "What do you want?" as he began to walk forwards I lifted my right hand, "Stay there." Once I started to walk towards him Shadow bowed his head far enough that his hair covered both of his eyes, "I have a question for you."

Lifting his head I could see how sorry he was clearly displayed on his face, "Yeah, what is it?"

Looking away from him I pointed at the bed, "Sit down I don't want the door left open." As he closed the door and sat down on the bed I stood in front of him, "Why did you decide to work alongside Guufu, there had to have been a reason right?" Glancing around the room Shadow nodded his head. "Are you not allowed to tell me why?"

"I-I can't tell you or he'll-." He said looking away from me, "(Y/n) I-I'm sorry..I was afraid and couldn't find another option, and he told me that...." after I sat down by him I placed my hand on his knee.

"Shadow it's alright you can tell me," Smiling solemnly I looked a him and took a guess at what it was, "If he was using light as a form of intimidation, I wan't you to know this the light won't kill you. It will only hurt for awhile then stop, Shadow if your only working for him because you were threatened you can still tell him no."

Placing his hand on mine Shadow looked up at me, "A-are you sure that it won't kill me?" I could tell that he was nervous from how badly his hand was shaking.

Nodding my head I closed my eyes, "Yes I'm sure of it, you'll be fine it won't kill you at all."

After hearing the words from me he wrapped his arms around me, "(Y/n) I'm so sorry I should've realized that he lied to me, how could I have been such an idiot. Could you ever forgive me? I did this even after all of the good things you've done for me."

Hugging him back I smiled, "You may be an idiot Shadow, but your my idiot and I wouldn't trade you for the world. Of course I can forgive you."

As I lifted my head I saw Shadow frowning at me, "I'm not an idiot...Am I?"

Laughing I told him, "Of course not stupid! So what should we do about Vaati and Vio, after all the four of us have something that needs done still."

Shadow shook his head as I brought up the other two, "Vio got away and the other four are here now for Princess Zelda, they've grouped back together. It wont be long before they find us and pin the blame to us..."

Standing I shook my head and offered him a hand, "If I've learned anything from this, it's that we always have to try before giving up. That and Vio wouldn't do that he's our friend remember?"

Shadow gave me a puzzled look before taking my hand, "I have to tell you something first (Y/n), then we can go help okay." Nodding my head I let go of his hand, "Well, uhm...."

"What's wrong? You don't need to be afraid of telling me things." AS I turned to walk away Shadow grabbed my wrist and I felt something familiar touch my hand, "This is my kunai pouch....You didn't throw it away?" Shadow nodded his head and looked away.

"(Y/n) after Dark took you Vio turned around and attacked me and Vaati," Leaning against the wall he folded his arms, "You may not want to belive it...but it's the truth."

Lighting up My Shadowy LifeWhere stories live. Discover now