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Exploring the meadow I found a sword thrust deeply into a stone carved with an eyeball with bat wings. "Damn! That must be the original Vaati, what an ugly thing." Looking up I saw that there was some more carvings in the stone wall behind the sword. The first on looked like a little girl standing in front of shadow(the darkness in a mans heart) and all of Kakario making tornadoes with her(?) Hand out controlling them "oh! That must be Vaati...Shadow didn't tell me he looked like a girl!" Feeling bad for confusing Vaati with a girl I looked to my left I saw a plaque covered with dirt, so in respect I cleaned it off but what did it say? My curiosity got the better of me and I read it once it was possible:

The wind mage Vaati and his child are sealed here, for the protection of the Hylain royal family and its lovely ladies
When the great war between the Sheikah and Hylains broke out all picori sided with Kakario Village their home after the great fire
Protecting its true guardian and angel of the dark
(Y/n) (L/n) from the plague of war.
She was guided through the night by the picori to an unknown location when we hylains launched our attack upon the sheikah clan
Vaati the child of the feared wind mage was the apprentice of the trusted non-revolting sage Elzo and used his inherited power to control the wind for protecting Kakario and those who lived there
By protecting the revolting village of Shadows Vaati the wind mage was sealed here where his father had been for the sake of all of Hyrule.

"Huh," I mumbled, "This doesn't make much sense to me...Maybe Shadow will understand it better."

Just as I decided to try and find my way back to town so I could ask Shadow about this I heard someone shout, "(Y/n)-------------------" turning I saw that it was just Link running towards me and the plaque. Shit the plaque! If he see's it I'll be in really deep shit, just as Link arrived I was in front of the plaque.

"Hey Link, uh where's Zelda?" I asked as he glomped me. Struggling for air I felt warm drops hitting where my skin was bare, "Are you crying Link? What's wrong!" realizing that he was crying he let me go and tried to hide that embarrassing truth.

While quickly wiping away tears he told me, "S-sorry (y/n) i-it's just that I failed my d-duty as Zelda's personal knight and closest friend"

I gently squeezed his hands and said, "Where is she Link?" He hugged me tightly crying silently as he did.

Once Link had calmed down a little bit he told me where Zelda had been taken, "That boy..The one who grabbed you before he-he took her! I couldn't stop him he w-was to strong for me to face a-alone." he burst into a rage of tears again.

Eventually Elzo popped up and said to him, "Boy quit crying and be a man! (Y/n) help me out a bit!" Damn this fucking hat-bird-thingy I hate him soo much! "(Y/n)!" He squawked at me again giving me a foul look, so as my answer I gave that bird-hat my own bird. He sighed, "could you be any less mature miss (y/n)?"

I grabbed Elzo off Link's head choking him happily as I did, "Look if the man wants to cry let him cry for goddess sake! And if you say otherwise I will personally set your brim or whatever it is on fire"

Hearing my threat to Elzo Link looked up at us tears streaming down his cheeks. "(Y/n) do you think I can beat that Shadow if I become stronger?" was the first thing Link asked me after taking Elzo from my choking hands, "pleas don't choke Elzo (Y/n)"

Why was he asking me? Sighing I told him, "There's only one possible way to save her, and we both know what it will cause." I hated lying to Link but, Shadow really wanted to see his friend again so I had too do this for his sake.

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