Reputations to be ruined

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It had been at least two weeks since my house had burnt down, along with all of my possessions except for the book. We were still staying at the Happy hearth inn because Vaati didn't want to go wherever it was that Shadow had hinted about before. Eventually I had had enough I mean wearing Bethany's dresses was one thing (all of your clothes besides the set that you put on after saving Vaati), but if we stay any longer I'd have to start being a hostess to the inn. Which was something that I never want to do EVER. "Damn it Vaati! Im fucking sick and tired of wearing someone else's clothes!" I screamed throwing anything I could reach at him, "This is fucking bullshit! I want to go somewhere! Anywhere! And with the festival on its way I'll have to work as a hostess here! I dont even like the picori!"

As Vaati ran around the room dodging everything that I threw he shouted back, "Don't insult me you brute, It'll do you some good to learn some manners!"

Shadow walked in at that moment carrying some groceries, "what will do her good Vaati?"

Just as Vaati dived safely behind the door shouting, "Work!" the lamp I had just thrown at him hit Shadow.

"Shit (Y/n)! Don't be throwing things damn it." He laughed holding his hand over his now bleeding nose.

Vaati peeked out from behind the door flicking a miniature tornado at me, "Now look what you've done stupid bitch! He Bleeeeddddiinnngg~." smiling as he hissed the word bleeding Vaati continued to flick tornadoes at me.

"Naw Vaati having a bloody nose isn't really a problem. It'll stop soon."

At that moment Bethany walked in right at the tornadoes caught the groceries that Shadow had dropped before. "Don't they ever stop fighting Shadow-kun?" I heard Bethany ask Shadow dodging a loaf of bread as she did.

"Mmm, not that I know of they only act civil around those who don't know that her house is gone. That and Vaati's always been immature even when he was an apprentice" he responded still holding his nose.

Hearing what Shadow had said Vaati shouted back, "You were always the immature one stupid!"

Sighing knowing that Bethany would be worried I asked Vaati in the nicest way I could to stop the tornado in our room, "hey dumbass would you stop that thing before the whole inn comes down?"

He glared at me while he snapped his fingers causing the tornado to dissipate, "No need to ask in that manner you female brute, we have a lovely guest in our presence so I would have anyways." 

Sighing I leaned on the now collapsing bookshelf in the room and said, "So Bethany what do you need help with?" I attempted a smile as I spoke facing her. 

She looked at me with sadish eyes and said, "cooking some stuff in the kitchen."

Fire eyes looked over at Bethany and said ,"so why do you need help? It's not like (Y/n) is a very good cook anyways."

In protest to what Shadow said I shouted back, "Well at least I can Shadow!"

Much later after everything going on in our room had stopped, I ended up in the kitchen cutting mushrooms with Bethany. "So you and Shadow, how is it that you two disappeared for a few days?" I tried to focus on cutting the mushrooms pretending that I didn't hear her "(Y/n) I know that your just ignoring me." She said dumping her board of finely chopped mushrooms to a pot of boiling water.

I finished chopping my half of them, then I answered her question, "Well...we were looking for Vaati, I know that everyone in Hyrule thinks that he is just like his father the wind mage. He's  actually really sweet when we're not trying to kill each other."

Bethany laughed and said cheerily, "but the two of you are always fighting non-stop!" 

I sat my knife down on the counter and asked, "So what are we making exactly? Boiled mushrooms,with a side of tofu?" trying to get off the topic of me breaking the law two weeks ago.

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