Shadow is a softie?

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"Am I interrupting something important for you two?" Vio asked blushing and looking away quickly I could tell that he was thinking we were about to do that.

I looked away from Vio and said again with a louder clearer voice, "It's not what you think Vio, r-really it's nothing."

"Yeah, we were checking to make sure nothing was getting infected!" Shadow quickly said making up the most believable lie he could, and I went with it the best I could.

But due to Vio being so nice and easy to trust I was struggling very much to do so, "Vio, with how us two have to live...We can't be having that type of thing due to-"

I knew that I sounded pathetic and much to my thanks Shadow placed his hand gently on my shoulder cutting off my rambling nonsense, "What she means is that we can't ever afford to be sick in anyway or form. Because...well you know because's to that Vio."

"I know how that feels," he said still looking away with his eyes still closed.

"Know what," I said now pulling my hood-thing back on, "Forget you saw this Vio. That way I won't have to hurt you."

Shadow looked at me confused, "(Y/n)?"

"Alright," Vio said, "but why would you have to...hurt me?" I felt his pale blue eyes staring at the visible scars on my back as I was getting clean bandages from my bag, "(Y/n)...Is that from your time living in Hyrule?"

"Leave me alone!" I yelled running outside and sitting by where my family grave should have been not bothering to put the clean bandages on over my now open wound slowly dripping blood down my front.

"(Y/n)!" Shadow called out running towards me, "Come here." He held his arms open and smiled as he reached where I was and despite my mood I got up and hugged him knowing that he wouldn't care very much about the blood, "See (Y/n) its alright. Remember what I told you before my angel?"

" um ' I'll always be on your side' was that it?" I asked as I sat back down carefully wrapping my stomach wound on my own. As I wrapped the bandages carefully around making sure they were completely covering my back and front.

"Haha!" He laughed after watching my deep concentration on the bandages, "Close enough. Here let me help you with that." Shadow said taking the bandages from me and carefully wrapping it around me and tying a knot to seal it off. "There you go that should hold the blood back." he smiled and kissed my forehead.

Then I saw him running over stopping short of where we were I saw that he had managed to grab both bags from the small grotto, "(Y/n) I'm sorry for walking in on you like that, really I am."

"Hmph!" I growled, "You make it sound like we were doing something bad. Which we were not I might add."

"Vio," Shadow moaned, "(Y/n) is really sensitive about things like that. She doesn't really think much of it now, but you hylians made her life a living hell while she was growing up." I looked at Shadow in shock as he told Vio the full extent of why my back looked the way it did. Snarling he hugged me and said, "AND YOU HELPED THEM DO IT!"

"W-what?" Vio said putting his hands up in a mixture of defense and surprise, "I-I had no clue what they were doing to her when that happened I-we were just made a knight by Zelda! No one told me they would do that."

I could hear the remorse in his voice, but as I was not pleased with him at the moment I snapped, "Bullshit. Also it wasn't just me Shadow received you hylians 'punishment' just for being from Kakariko and know what no one ever helped us when we needed it! And here you are trying to apologize for our lifetimes of torture for something we didn't even take part in!" With out even realizing it I had begun to cry. Touching my cheek I stopped yelling at him, "h-huh? I-I'm crying?"

"(Y/n)." Shadow said picking me up bridal style, "c'mon I'll carry you there."

"Shadow is it true they did the same to you?" Vio asked carrying the bags knowing it was not a good time to talk to me.

"Yes it is. Though they didn't treat me as bad as her, but that was only because I avoided town at all costs." He replied calmly as I pressed my bright red face into his chest, "All did to me was carve into my skin. With her they went further, not only did they shoot her with arrows and throw a variety of sharp things as you saw that time she mentioned but also placed hot coals on her bare back. To make it worse no matter how much either of us pleaded for help everyone would turn their heads ignoring the fact that we needed help."

"Shadow..." I said raising my head, "You won't be able to get there carrying me."

Vio shook his head in agreement then asked, "(Y/n) could I borrow your harp?"

"Why?" we said in unison me in a more harsh tone.

"I know of a faster way to get us where we're going." he replied shrugging.

"Oh." I sighed calmly as Shadow let me down, "You must mean the Nocturne of Shadow. I can play that for us, besides that harp was my mother's not even Impa my aunt is allowed to touch it Vio. Besides what makes you think that I'd let you touch it?" making sure to keep the right amount of sarcasm in my voice I saw him realize that it wasn't ever gonna happen, because no one but me can touch that harp.

"Oh okay." he said smiling sweetly ugh damn it why have to be so cute, "If it means that much to you then I wont ask again."

"Thanks Vio," I replied calmly, "Shadow come here and hang onto my shoulder. Vio you know how it works in a group right?"

"Why do I need to hold on my angel?" Shadow asked confused.

"You'll be left behind if you don't." Vio answered for me. Making sure both of the boys were ready I grabbed my harp and gently played Nocturne of Shadow teleporting us to the temple's entrance, or rather first puzzle.

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