I'm not tired

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Looking around Kakariko I frowned slightly some houses were gone entirely from where they had been, "What happened? There's so many houses gone, there's not a trace of the sheikah ever living here except for the well and windmill...."

"Simple really," Vaati said stepping up beside me glaring spitefully at the well, "Your aunt opened it up to the Hylian public who don't exactly have enough Rupees to live in Castle town, and they torched most of the houses to make room for Hylian style ones."

"That's stupid and disgraceful! The sheikah have lived in this village since before Hylia gave up her immortality to save them." I puffed my cheeks up furiously.

"Aww (Y/n) you look like a fluffy kitten" Laughed Shadow shaking his head.

"Your the one who looks more like a cat!" I grumbled as he hugged me, "c'mon lets just go to the graveyard before we wake anyone up with the noise we're making."

"Yeah," Vio said placing a hand on Vaati's shoulder gaining himself a very nasty look, "Let's go before that happens and yo- I mean we get caught."

In The Kakariko Graveyard

"This place is....it is not how I remembered it." Shadow said looking around frantically in the graveyard, "There's less graves than before did they start burning corpses? Also (Y/n) who is Dampé the gravedigger?"

"Huh?" I read over the sign in front of the graveyard, "Well when the Sheikah owned the village we let him stay and tend to the graves...but it looks like he's started a side business. And Shadow I think that the Hylians just decided to do family graves, but...." I stopped in mid-thought realizing what he'd meant all of the Sheikah graves were gone entirely.

"Yeah..." Vaati said looking towards the temple.


"Why so quiet Vio, you can talk you know." I told him placing my hand on his ignoring Shadow's behavior about it{only as a friend nothing more}.

"(Y/n), he's probably just overthinking about something." Vaati yawned.

"heh, C'mon you three I know of some where we can rest for tomorrow." Smiling I walked cautiously into the graveyard signaling for the boys to be quiet as I did just in case Dampé was still awake. Looking around I found what I was looking for, a small gap in the trees and carved out area that led to a cave. Motioning to the boys I pointed to where I was going and signaled for them to follow me quietly. As we reached the area I entered first crawling on my hands and knees to get inside I made sure there was enough room for us all then let the boys' come in.

"Whoa..." Vio said, "How did you?"

"Tch," I grumbled not wanting to tell him that this was a place my mother had hid me and a few other Sheikah children when the fighting was brought into Kakariko to keep us safe, "Save it."

"Someone's tired," Laughed Shadow putting an arm around me unaware of what this place originally was for.

"Am Not." I yawned grumpily.

"Yes you are (Y/n), it's okay for you to sleep. You've had an extremely hard day today, you deserve it." Vaati said grabbing a book to read from our supplies even though I could tell that he was also tired.

"(Y/n)," Said stroking my forehead, "It's okay this time I promise to keep you safe from what ever happens."

"What do you mean by 'This time' Shadow?" Vio asked reading a book he pulled out of his tunic.

"Th' hyell you keep so m'ch stuff 'n there?" I muttered trying not to fall asleep.

"I don't really know," he replied reading his book. From what you could tell it was called 'The life of Fairies', "Anyways (Y/n) just rest up a bit."

"Easy for you to say," I grumbled slowly closing my eyes and falling asleep even though I didn't want to.

Shadows pov

As (Y/n) closed her eyes I stroked her hair out of her face that hadn't been tied up with the ribbon I gave her, no matter how bad things were I wanted her to be happy. Looking at her I knew how much I truly loved her, but how could I just blatantly say it to her? She had saved my life multiple times already and we've only know each other three months how could I ever pay her back for that....I fell asleep after Vio, who fell asleep after Vaati; still trying to think of a way to pay (Y/n) back for everything she's done for me.

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