Shadow Flames

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"I was really hoping that I would never have to come back here at all." Vio told me as we walked towards the next puzzle. Of course Shadow and Vaati were arguing about cats again so me and Vio stayed out of it.

"Oh really?" I asked watching ahead of us, "I like it in here there's always a good challenge to keep you entertained."

Vio rubbed the back of his neck before saying, "Well I...When I faced the trials in here I had no clue what I was supposed to be doing. And how do you find it entertaining?"

I laughed before telling him, "When I was little and my parents alive, they'd always tell me that the temple held the trials of truth. It was because of their guidance that I knew the 'Trials of truth' referred to learning real from fake. And almost everything is fun when you are able to play the role of a carefree little kid."

"Wow," he said looking forward, "That would have been really helpful if I'd known it before."

"Yes it would have. As you say you've been here bef-"

I was cut off by Vaati shouting viciously at Shadow, "I DON'T FUCKING CARE IF YOU LIKE THEM THEY ARE LITTLE IMPLEMENTATIONS OF SATAN!"

Sighing I said, "Vaati you need to chill out a bit. Also cats aren't that bad unless....oh my goddesses is it because of you know what?" I laughed realizing he probably was chased by cats when he was in his original form [Minish/piccori form]

"How dare you bring that up!" He hissed violently turning his rage towards me rather than keep arguing about cats.

"Puh-lease," I groaned, "Keep walking there are wlmstrs here and I'm no going clear back to the start of the temple to get you."

"What did you say they were called (Y/n)?" Vio asked curiously and from his face I could tell that he just wanted to be completely sure, "You were slurring your words a little."

She said Wallmasters," Vaati grumbled giving up on the 'cat's are evil' argument with Shadow. "Now let's go before grabs one of us."

"Yeah," I sighed walking forwards into what looked like a wall.

"(Y/n) my angel there's nothing....there?" Shadow tried to tell me as I calmly walked through it followed by Vio who did like an everyday thing, "What the hell!?!??"

Laughing I poked my head back through the fake wall in a better mood, "c'mon! It ain't gonna hurt ya!" Moving backwards I looked at Vio, "Soo...I guess you have been here before. Otherwise you'd be acting like Shadow huh?"

Shrugging he told me, "Why would I lie to you? It's not like I have anything against you." At that moment Vaati dragged a unwilling and panicky Shadow through the first test of real vs fake.

Making it seem less tense between us four I grumbled, "Nothing to do with that, it's more the blue and green ones' huh. They seem to be against us."

Vio paused for a moment then realized why I phrased it like that and played along, " Of course not (Y/n)...Besides those two couldn't be bothered with things like this they'd make excuses for why they are."

Shadow and Vaati stared at me for a moment probably expecting a snarky reply, but I wanted to say my honest opinion on the matter. So I did, "Well Vio, I'm glad that you're on our side." Smiling more due to my mix of a silly and grim mood than anything I walked up to the huge crow statue in front of us four.

Hey (Y/n) my angel..." I could feel Shadow gently grabbing my left hand in his right. Whispering in my ear in a way so that Vaati and Vio couldn't read his lips, "What's wrong? You seem a little nervous..You can always tell me when you've got a problem." Kissing my cheek as he lifted his head Shadow said loud enough for the others to hear, "So what do we do for this, um...thing?"

Behind us I could hear Vaati and Vio quietly talking to each other, "Hey you two!" I shouted turning to face them cheeks a bright shade of cherry red mainly from embarrassment, "W-we need to find which of these-"

Vio spoke finishing my sentence seeing how embarrassed I was, "aren't lit with that weird, but harmless fire in them."

Rolling his eye told Vio directly, "I've already told you none of those are lit!" Shadow curious used one of the bags to reach up too see if they were indeed lit.

Just noticing this myself I shouted, "SHADOW DON'T TOUCH IT!!!!"{1} But by the time he heard it, it was already too late. "No, please for the love of Din no."

Before we could do anything the flames showed themselves and began to slowly creep up his arm, panic struck his face as he saw the blue flames turning towards me I could see the fear reflected in his eyes. Vio grabbed my wrist when he saw my expression guessing that I was going to run towards Shadow {you walked away for a moment trying to think of what to do for this that would be safest, but Vaati and Vio followed you leaving Shadow to do that}, "Don't! You'd be a fool to do that, what if they get you too??"

"Think about it (Y/n), only you know what those flames do!" Vaati told me backing up Vio's argument, "

Yanking my arm away from Vio I turned away and ran towards Shadow, "I DON'T CARE WHAT HAPPENS IF THEY GET ON ME! Hold on fire eyes!"

Reaching his hand out towards mine as the flames crept further and further up his arm reaching his torso he asked, "What do these flames do my angel? I hate to admit it, but I'm afraid of what's in store for me."

Before I could answer something odd happened, a rope fell from above and tied itself around Shadow only making the flames spread faster as it brought a chilly wind along and as I reached my hand out towards his the rope began lifting him upwards{2}. "SHADOW!" Looking up towards where the rope had come from I saw Dark holding it and smiling, "YOU! W-why are you doing this?" Smiling he saluted me and kept lifting Shadow faster and faster with the rope who was screaming for me to run and get away from here, to a height that not even I could reach even with Vaati's help.

The last thing I saw on Shadow's face before both he and Dark disappeared to goddess knows where was a mixture of pure hatred and fear, Dark had already tried to kill him twice before and now they were alone together. Falling to my knees I repeatedly called out his name until Vio sat down by me and gently placed his hand upon my shoulder, "What did those flames do (Y/n), you're the only one of us who knows what they did."

Vaati sitting down by my other side said, "Don't pressure her Vio. I'm sure she'll tell us eventually."

Standing to the surprise of both boy's I ran leaping across the gap to the door that the puzzle should've opened, but it was already open. Staring at it for a moment before I entered I shouted to the other two, "Vaati use your wind to get over here the door's open."

Once over Vio asked me again, "What did the flames do?"

As I stayed silent yet again not answering the question Vaati glared then snarled at Vio, "Be patient!"

After walking forwards a small amount I stopped before telling them, "What creates, but also destroys shadows when it touches them."

They thought about it for a moment then it hit them together their voices merged into a grim sound formed by a one syllable word, "Light."

Shadow's Pov

Glaring at Dark I asked in a fierce tone, "What the hell do you want with me?"

His laugh sounded like nails on a chalkboard as he responded with, "You very well know what I want, now don't you Sha~dow." Once he saw the utter disgust on my face he bent down and slapped me across the face, "None of that now. Master doesn't like it when others get sassy with him."

Fighting against the rope I shouted, "WHO THE HELL SAID THAT I WAS EVER GOING TO WORK WITH HIM!?!"


1- This one should be obvious; you don't touch things that you don't know what they are or do

2- Guess who's back~!

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